Zheng Ling knew a smile, "what grandma said is reasonable."

Boye added: "also, Zhengling, after the illness, you need to find something you like to do. Living is not only the process of looking for love, but also the realization of your self-worth. When you find what you like, you will not have the extra energy to worry, which will help you a lot

Zheng Ling nodded, with a sense of epiphany.

At the door, Zhan turned away in silence.

Boye took Zhengling to visit her laboratory.

Finally very perfect to Zheng Ling popularized the cause of her attack, from genetic internal cause to environmental inducement. From neurotransmitter to its secretory mechanism. Then he explained the treatment plan to Zheng Ling in all aspects... Finally he asked Zheng Ling, "do you understand?"

Zheng Ling Jiao Han nodded, "understand."

"Do you hear me?" said Boye Chong, who was absorbed in the experiment? How could Zheng Ling understand me? "

The master said, "your grandson is a genius. Can his apprentices be stupid?"

Boye Ao Jiao way: "cold Jue this intelligence quotient, like me."

The old man teased her, "that's right. Blue is better than blue. "

Two old people, like old urchins, tease each other.

"Boye said:" my wife, stop the work on your hands, and give me some biological agents. "

The grandfather looked at Zheng Ling in amazement, "girl, have you figured it out at last? Are you willing to accept the treatment plan of grandma Boye

Zheng Ling nodded with a smile.

The master said, "is it better to think about it earlier? That way you can take a few days less of the blame. "


When returning home from Grandma Boye's courtyard, Zheng Ling saw Yan Zheng and his wife sitting on the sofa, watching TV leisurely. Zhan hanjue was busy in the kitchen.

"Brother, why don't you cook?"

Seeing Zheng Ling, Yan Zheng said with a bad smile: "sister, you can go out for a walk when you come to dinner every day. In this way, Zhan ye will feel bored and rush to cook. "

Zheng Ling went into the kitchen and saw all kinds of delicious food on the operating table. She was so excited that she grabbed the eggplant cake and ate it.

Zhan hanjue looked at her with a smile. Turn on the tap for her. "Come and wash your hands."

While washing his hands, Zheng Ling praised vaguely: "brother Jue, why do you want to write a country novel www.xiangcun7.com ]Cooking? "

Zhan hanjue said, "because you didn't eat well yesterday. I'm afraid I'll starve you down. "

Zheng Ling looked at his increasingly plump figure, a little worried, "my weight is to see the wind long, you are not afraid of my weight up and down? Besides, the Impatiens said that I'm in perfect shape now. It doesn't have to be any longer. "

Zhan hanjue threw the spatula into the pot and said with a black face, "she looks like a pig. Don't you want to grow?"

Zheng Ling swallowed the eggplant cake in his mouth. "She's OK, too," she said with a smile

Impatiens is a big skeleton, meat, looks very tough, but will not lose the charm of the woman.

Zheng Ling hugged Zhan hanjue and said, "don't feed me a pig. How ugly that is. We're fat and thin, and it's incongruous to go out. "

Zhan hanjue thought about it and said seriously: "you can gain more weight."

Zheng Ling nodded, "I know." And then you go out with the dishes.

"Don't do it," he said. Let Yan Zheng do it. "

Zheng Ling spat out his tongue, "but I want to help you."

Zhan hanjue hesitated

In his world view, girls are used to spoil.

Zheng Ling said seriously, "I want to help you share the housework."

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