Yan Zheng opened his eyes, saw Zheng Ling, and closed his eyes to sleep. "You do it yourself," he said

"You don't know I'm not well." Zheng Ling shouts.

"I'm still weak." Yan Zheng said.

As soon as Zhan hanjue left, Zhengling realized the feeling of falling from heaven to the clouds.

Fortunately, she kicked Yan Zheng on his ass and kicked him out of bed. Yan Zheng sleeps and wakes up completely.

Phoenix fairy way: "go to cook."

Yan Zheng sat on the ground, looking at his Zheng Ling and the fierce impatiens. Self mockery: "two gentle and virtuous women in the family, none of them manage the housework. What's wrong with the world now? Are women turning the world upside down? "

Zheng Ling said: "women are responsible for beauty."

Yan Zheng white her one eye, "war Ye says?"

Zheng Ling nodded and said, "well."

Yan Zheng rolled his eyes, "sooner or later he will suffer."

The Impatiens said angrily, "Yan Zheng, don't be so cocky. Go and cook. Your son is hungry. "

Yan Zheng got up in fear of starving his precious son. Run to the kitchen.

Zheng Ling and Impatiens burst out laughing.

After Zhan hanjue boarded the plane, his heart began to panic for no reason. A few hours of flying time was like a year to him.

Finally the plane landed, he couldn't wait to call Zheng Ling. Zheng Ling got through the phone, he heard Zheng Ling's happy voice, and then he felt relieved.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm rubbing my grandmother's tea." Zheng Ling is naughty.

Zhan hanjue smiles. He heard his grandmother's voice, "don't worry about Zheng Ling, don't worry, don't worry. I'll take good care of her."

"Thank you, grandma." Zhan hanjue said.

Hang up, Zhan hanjue took a taxi and went straight to Huanya hospital.

After rescue, Yu Qianqian temporarily out of danger, transferred to the general ward. However, Yu Qianqian's mood is very bad, irritable. One will curse, one will smash things.

When Zhan hanjue appeared in Huanya, he was immediately surrounded by Zhan Yu's two families.

"Don't you come back at last Both master Zhan and Master Yu were very excited.

Zhan hanjue nodded, "well. What's the matter with my mother? "

Mr. Yu sold miserably and said, "she's crazy about you these days. She doesn't think about food and tea, and her health has become very poor. This sudden heart attack must have something to do with her recent depression. "

"I'll go and see him," he said

"Go ahead."

In the ward, Zhuma takes good care of Yu Qianqian. Yu Qianqian was crying in tears and said, "I've been through the gate of hell. Don't you come back to see me? What if I do leave? "

"Maybe he's on the way, aunt," she said

Zhan hanjue walked slowly and called with mixed feelings, "Mom."

This sound suddenly surprised Yu Qianqian and Zhu Ma.

"The cold baron."

"Brother Zhan."

Juma pulled a stool for him, and he sat down at the head of the bed.

Yu Qianqian cried with joy, "Han Jue, you are back at last. Do you know how much mom misses you? "

"I'm sorry. Mom

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