However, Ye Feng's next words put Su Tao into the abyss.

"Su Tao, since you are not my maid. I think we should separate for the time being. Living together before marriage is irresponsible to girls, because I don't know when I can marry you... "

Su Taohua lost her color and roared out of control: "why do you treat me like this? As you said, when Tong Bao comes back, you will have a good talk with her and let her accept our wedding. Why do you turn back? "

Ye Feng said to himself, "I'm very sorry. At that time, I thought Tong Tong would come back soon. But today, after hearing Zhan Su's words, I realized that Tong Bao might not come back for seven or eight years. I think my agreement with Tong Tong is very unfair to you. So I'll give you a choice. "

Sutao was shocked. Na na way: "seven years, eight years?"

Ye Feng said: "maybe longer. So if you want to leave me, I won't blame you. I'll give you a lot of money to make sure you're safe in your next life. "

Su Tao is depressed sitting on the sofa and has no idea at the moment.

After a long time, Su Tao said indignantly, "is your agreement with her that important?"

Ye Feng said, "yes."

"You don't want to break your promise to her. But he turned back on me. Ye Feng, why Sutao collapses.

If ye Feng is in a sober state and has super willpower, he will never say these bastard words. But relying on the strength of the wine, he lost his sense of propriety and said what he thought.

"Tong Tong, she is my life. I can overturn the world for her. What about you? "

Su Tao is a fool.

At that moment, she knew how thoroughly she lost.

She knew how humble she was in Ye Feng's heart.

After Ye Feng woke up, it was the next morning.

Su Tao packed his luggage and was ready to leave.

Ye Feng threw the pictures of drunkenness and truth into the air last night. See Su Tao to leave, also very puzzled.

"Where are you going?"

Su Tao had no good way: "didn't you let me go?"

Ye Feng was stunned.

Now sober up, it is that careful mind, such as dust genius Ye Feng.

"What did I say to you yesterday?" Ye Feng asked tentatively.

"You said our agreement was terminated and I didn't have to be your maid."

Ye Feng thought about it and nodded: "it's really no longer suitable for you to be my maid."

Su Tao wants to cry: "you still want me to move out. If you want to break up with me, you say that Tong Bao is your life... You would rather bear the burden of others than break your promise to her. "

Ye Feng

How can he say that without thinking?

Su Tao was so angry that he lost control of his mood and couldn't sleep“ Ye Feng, since you care about Tong Bao so much, why do you harm me? You love Tong Bao! "

Ye Feng's face became very ugly.

He didn't expect that the problem he never thought deeply was dug out by Su Tao after he was drunk last night.

Does he love Tong Bao?

Is his affection for Tong Bao really love?

How can he——

How can a mature man take the heart of a teenage girl?

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