Zheng Ling giggled.

Or Zhan hanjue for Zheng Ling's rescue: "I serve three meals a day carefully, can you stand up to me if I don't get fat?"

At this time, the third aunt questioned: "I don't want to get fat, but it seems to be pregnant."

One stone makes a thousand waves.

All the elders happily agreed: "Zheng Ling is pregnant?"

Master Zhan was even more happy“ Ha ha, I'm going to have great grandchildren again. Zheng Ling, you have done great service for our strategists again. Tell me, what reward do you want? "

Zheng Ling said with a smile, "no, brother Jue has already rewarded me."

Mr. Zhan was very curious: "what does he reward you for?"

Zheng Ling laughs happily and contentedly“ Company. "

After she got pregnant, Zhan hanjue put off all her affairs and devoted himself to her. During this period of time, they are like newlyweds. They can enjoy the sunrise and watch the beauty of the sunset together.

This is the life Zhengling yearns for most.

Mr. Zhan is obviously not satisfied with the reward. Shaking his head, he said, "Oh, this reward is too shabby. Jue'er, Zheng Ling is an old pregnant woman. She loves you enough to have children for you at such an age. "

Zhan hanjue held Zheng Ling's hand tightly in his hand and said with a smile: "all my things are Zheng Ling's, even I am Zheng Ling's, I don't know what else I can reward her for?"

Then he looked at old master Zhan with a bad smile: "you like little great grandson so much, what are you going to reward my Zhengling?"

The old man rushed out and said, "send him to the company."

"You want my little treasure to help you manage Zhan's group. It's beautiful. "

Mr. Zhan had to change his words: "how about rewarding cash?"

"My family is not short of money."

Zheng Ling said quickly, "no, I'm short of money."

Zhan hanjue

"What do you want so much money for?" Asked Zhan hanjue.

Zheng Ling patted the baby in his stomach and said with a smile, "my little treasure needs it."

Zhan hanjue said, "I'm not old enough to earn money."

Zheng Ling muttered, "don't be white, don't be white."

Zhan hanjue

Zheng Ling accepted the idea of old master Zhan, and the Yu family, who came to be a guest, began to perform again.

Master Yu coughed up and deliberately cleared his throat to remind everyone that he was going to speak. For a moment, everyone turned to look at Mr. Yu.

Master Yu deliberately suppressed master Zhan and said, "Zhan Tinghai, you are full of copper smell. Is it interesting to give money to little great grandson? "

Master Zhan replied, "Oh, I forgot. The child is also your great grandson. You can't pick up a great grandson for nothing, can you? Tell me, what are you going to give him? "

"The most important thing we need in yujiazhai is gold. I'll give him a mountain top of Yu's village. "

Master Zhan joked: "you wily fox, you just want to cheat my great grandson into guarding the yujiazhai, don't you? You have cheated my family's Hanbao. No matter what, this child will not be left to you in yujiazhai. "

At this time, Yu Qianqian went to Zheng Ling, touched his stomach, and said with tears in his eyes, "Zheng Ling, don't listen to these two old guys. I believe that the child you raise must be smart, kind, kind and tough. He doesn't have to go to Zhan's management company, or go to yujiazhai to guard the mountain. Just let him do what he likes, let him stay with you and Han Jue, and let you always depend on him. "

Yu Qianqian's words shocked Zheng Ling.

Her family is Zhan su. In fact, he doesn't like business, but he is the successor of Zhan's family.

Her family is Hanbao. She doesn't like the cool place of yujiazhai. But he wants to be the leader of Yu's village.

Her family, Tong Bao, just wants to marry Ye Feng and live an ordinary life. But she left with Boye.

Zheng Ling suddenly felt how helpless the choice of life was.

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