"Su Su, don't go in. It's dangerous inside. I'm going to save people. " Han Bao stops Zhan Su at the gate of the courtyard.

Zhan Su looked at Han Bao and said, "be careful, too."

"Well." Hanbao turns around and rushes inside.

Zhan hanjue saw that Hanbao rushed in facing the fire dragon and cried anxiously: "Hanbao, don't come in."

Han Bao said, "Daddy, I have a magic weapon to deal with these poisonous snakes."

Zhan hanjue was surprised to find that those poisonous snakes would not approach Hanbao at all.

"Strange." Yu Chengqian is puzzled, "is the poisonous snake afraid of the cold treasure?"

Han Bao took out the leader seal from his arms, and all the poisonous snakes exploded and died in an instant.

Zhan hanjue and Yu Chengqian were shocked.

The snake died, and the guards rushed in to put out the fire.

Yu Chengqian was so tired that he collapsed to the ground, but Zhan hanjue was still standing in the middle of the courtyard.

Yu Chengqian joked: "I saw you so nervous just now, but now you are back to calm down. You're really good at pretending

"I was really nervous just now," said Zhan hanjue

Thinking of the pregnant Zheng Ling in his body, Zhan hanjue felt that his courage and fearlessness was no longer magnificent.

Yu Chengqian was stunned“ When I used to burn tourmaline manor, weren't you very rude? I'm not afraid of heaven and earth. Why are you so timid now? "

Zhan hanjue walked up to Yu Chengqian and said, "before, my family Zhengling was in good health. She could live well without me. Now my family can't live without me... "

He lost his courage to face death.

Yu Chengqian was stunned.

Out of the courtyard, the servants came to deliver a message.

"Master Zhan, Master Yu, two young masters and two old masters are waiting for you in the backyard of aiyuebao. They say they have something to tell you."

Zhan hanjue and Yu Chengqian look at each other, and both of them expect that what the two lords want to say is related to these poisonous snakes.

Yu Chengqian said, "I know. We'll be right there."

When he came to Aiyue castle, Zhan ran to his yard.

"Cousin, you take suhanbao first. I'll go home and see my Zhengling first. " Zhan hanjue said.

Yu Chengqian broke his face: "go."

Zhan hanjue ran into the house like a whirlwind. Downstairs in the living room, Impatiens and Yan Zheng are sitting on the sofa teasing their children. Zhan hanjue didn't even say hello to them, so he ran upstairs.

Push open bedroom door, see Zheng Ling silly sit on the bed, nervous overflow in the body surface.

"Zheng Ling."

Zheng Ling saw the moment of Zhan hanjue, and the tense face became bright“ Husband. "

She got up and ran to him.

Zhan hanjue said, "be careful."

She threw it into his arms and held him tightly.

Zhan hanjue kisses her forehead and says gently, "I'll give you peace. Zheng Ling, grandfather and grandfather are waiting for me in the backyard. I have to go there right away. "

Zheng Ling said: "I heard that people were injured in two rooms and three rooms. It must be very serious. You go quickly

Zhan hanjue ran out again.

Yan Zheng and Impatiens in the living room are directly ignored by Han Jue.

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