"Her jade can drive poisonous snakes and beasts. I'm afraid this jade is also synthetic, and its ingredients must contain the medicine ingredients that can drive poisonous insects and beasts."

As soon as Zhan Su's words came to an end, Master Yu patted his thigh and woke up like a dream: "Oh, Su Su reminded me. That woman once pinched the meridians for me and cured my bulimia in three or two times. When I was a child, I was sallow and thin. After she pinched me a few times, I began to love eating. "

Zhan hanjue was so careful that he said, "what's the matter with the beast fairy?"

Mr. Yu sighed bitterly: "that woman left our house like this. My mother cried, and finally listened to the woman's words, holding this jade, went to the mountain to look for my father. But Mount Everest is so big, where can we find my father, let alone see any animal fairy. "

Mr. Yu's voice choked: "later, my mother, together with the old and weak women and children, simply moved to the cave above Mount Everest and continued to search for the missing men. And a boy like me, who is half hanging, has to bear the responsibility of protecting the old and weak women and children. I gather all the young children together, we help the family cut firewood, set traps to catch wild animals... Day by day, several years later, we have not found my father. The villagers finally believed that they were dead. We thought we would live in peace all the time. "

"Until one day, a group of invaders came to Mount Everest. In order to earn money, my grandmother warmly entertained them. In the evening, I secretly heard the whispers of these invaders: it's heinous that Boye Yimai uses men's heart as a drug guide. Although the medical skill of our single family is not as good as that of the broad field, we are very good at using poison. That Boye pulse was poisoned by us, dead and wounded. Only Boye Ling, the woman, could not turn over any waves. After that, it will be our Shan family's world.

When I was young, I didn't know how to distinguish right from wrong. All I knew was that Boye had captured the man in Yu's village. We wanted to find Boye for revenge. Then I started my life as a gangster... I think you've heard all the stories behind. "

The long story is thought-provoking.

Mr. Yu is a rude man. He has never explored in detail what happened in yujiazhai and the relationship between them.

Zhan Su explained the truth of the year on his behalf: "Shan used poison to destroy Boye's pulse. But it never occurred to me that Boye's family had missed the net. Our grandmother Boye Zeng is the descendant of this fish who missed the net. "

Zhan hanjue added: "if I'm not wrong, the pregnant woman that grandfather Zeng picked up is Boye Ling."

All eyes turned to Zhan hanjue, looking forward to his future.

Zhan hanjue said: "the python jade seal she gave to the Yu family is the best evidence. Because only Boye has the strength to develop a formula to contain Shan. It's only the Boye pulse that can deal with Shan so attentively. "

Zhan Su said, "Daddy's right."

Zhan hanjue then said: "in sum, the child in Boye Ling's stomach should be my Boye grandmother."

When Zhan hanjue mentioned granny Boye, his face became grey.

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