Zhan hanjue nodded“ How do you want me to help you? "

Zhan Su was embarrassed and said, "Daddy... I need mommy to come forward and test the second lady for me."

Zhan hanjue turned around in surprise. Looking at Zhan Su in surprise.

Zhan Su quickly explained: "don't worry, daddy. Hanbao and I will lurk under the second lady's bed in advance. When mummy goes in, let sister Wushuang and sister Ruoxi accompany her, which will surely protect mummy's safety. "

Zhan hanjue also knows Zhan Su's intention.

To test whether the two ladies were replaced by Mrs. Yun, I'm afraid it's impossible to recognize them just by one face. I can only find out her flaws by chatting.

Zhan Su is a boy and a junior. It's no name to visit his second grandmother.

Zheng Ling is the most suitable.

Zhan Su is also well prepared for Zheng Ling's safety, but how can Zhan hanjue be willing to risk Zheng Ling?

Zhan Su said, "if daddy doesn't want to, I'll think of another way. Don't be embarrassed. "

But Zheng Ling pushed the door in and said, "I'll go." Zheng Ling is very happy to be able to help her children do something.

Zhan hanjue

Because it was related to the safety of Zhengling, Zhan hanjue could not stand by.

He arranged his troops more carefully, made sure that there was no deviation in every detail, and then waited for the night to come.

In the evening, Zhan Hanshan came to the front yard of Haomiao courtyard and cried: "Mom, you want to make the decision for me?"

The second lady didn't come out, but led Zhan tinglei's concubines out.

Mrs. Xue coaxed Zhan Hanshan: "Shanshan, it's so late, your mother has already laid down to rest. Don't make any noise. If you have anything to do, let's talk about it tomorrow. "

Zhan Hanshan howled: "what are you? You evil foxes are not qualified to talk to me. I want to see my mom. I want to ask her, she has transferred all her family's property abroad? Does she want to live without our brothers and sisters? "

Mrs. Xue's face changed suddenly: "Shanshan. Who did you listen to about that? "

The person who transferred the property was Zhan tinglei, which was known by several concubines of Er Fang.

Zhan tinglei did this just to prevent the second lady from divorcing him and taking half of the second room's property.

Zhan Hanshan cried, "don't worry. How do I know? Anyway, there's something wrong with our second room account. Our family's money is disappearing in large quantities... "

Mrs. Xue winks at the other concubines. They run into the inner room to inform Zhan tinglei.

Not long. Here comes Zhan tinglei.

"Zhan Hanshan, what's the howling at night?" Zhan tinglei was furious.

Zhan Hanshan wiped her tears and cried, "Dad, you are going to make the decision for us. My mother has moved her property to other places. "

"Who did you listen to?" he said

"That's what people say."

Zhan tinglei anticipates that it must be his own transfer of property that has been discovered. In order to prevent this from making a big deal, it's not easy to clean up if it goes to the old man's place. Zhan tinglei looks around warily, and then angrily rebukes Zhan Hanshan: "come in if you have any words."

But old master Zhan suddenly came down from the sky, and with him Yan Zhengling suddenly appeared at the gate of Haomiao courtyard.

"Second master, here comes the old master." The maid came over in a hurry and told her.

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