What is the connection between Mrs. Yun and Xiuhe Zhuma?

Zhuma is dead. Xiuhe is arranged by Zhan hanjue beside Yu Sheng. These days, there is no news from Yu Sheng. It is obvious that Xiuhe has become honest when he comes back to Yu's home.

Zhan hanjue had an idea in his mind.

the second day.

Zhan hanjue invites Zhan Su and denies his previous speculation. "Last night, your mother visited her second grandmother and found that she was only under drug control. It has not been replaced by Mrs. Yun. "

"Susu, I want you to find a way to save your second grandmother."

Zhan Su frowned: "Lady Yun didn't replace her?"

Zhan hanjue said: "I think about it. My second grandmother is usually just a lady in the boudoir. At most, she has some contact with her business partners in the ER Fang shopping mall. If she suddenly walks around with other people of tourmaline manor, it will arouse suspicion. So it's not good for Mrs. Yun to take her place. "

Zhan Su suddenly realized: "so lady Yun should find someone who can get close to the other members of the Zhan family to replace her?"

Zhan hanjue looks at his son with a smile. Zhan Su's inference is close to the truth.

Sure enough, the next step is just like waking up from a dream.


Zhan hanjue nodded and said, "she replaces Xiuhe. Even if she doesn't do anything, she can still hear the most confidential things of Zhan family from the gossip men of the Yu family."

"How do you talk? Who's gossiping?" Yu Chengqian didn't know when he was standing at the door of his study. When he heard Zhan hanjue's words, he blushed and his neck was thick.

Zhan hanjue and Zhan Su look at the uninvited Yu Chengqian. Their eyes are as cold as knives, as if they are going to chisel thousands of holes in Yu Chengqian's body.

"How did you get in?" Zhan hanjue asked angrily.

Yu Chengqian was overjoyed and said, "your Zheng Ling opened the door for me."

Zhan hanjue's face turned black“ One is three years pregnant. This fool. "

Zhan Su smiles.

Zhan hanjue looked at Yu Chengqian unhappily and asked, "what are you doing here?"

Yu Chengqian was indignant and said, "let me ask you, what do you mean by arranging Xiuhe to my father? My mother hasn't been home for many days

Zhan hanjue and Zhan Su look at each other with a smile. In order to prove that his speculation is correct, Su Su asks Yu Chengqian, "uncle, you're just in time. I ask you, has Xiuhe changed his temperament after he returns to Yu's house?"

Yu Chengqian blurted out: "Damn, she picked up her life. After so many disturbances, can she stop it?"

Zhan hanjue put his hands on the table and leaned forward to oppress Yu Chengqian“ Think about it. What are the changes? "

Yu Chengqian saw Zhan hanjue's solemnity. I thought about it. "Before," he said, "I used to talk with orchid fingers, and the voice was so sweet that I could squeeze out water. Now, I'm in a daze, and my speech is normal. I don't have a princess who is sick."

"What else?" Zhan hanjue said: "for example, what changes do you have in your preferences?"

Yu Chengqian said: "I used to like jewelry. I wore jewelry all over my body, for fear that others would not know that she was Yu Sheng's concubine. Now, it's a bit sloppy. "

What Yu Chengqian said is consistent with the conjecture of Zhan hanjue and Su Su. But it can't be the final conclusion. After all, it's normal for a person's temperament to change after being hit.

Zhan hanjue opened the window and said frankly: "to tell you the truth, we suspect that madam Yun has replaced Xiuhe."

Yu Chengqian was so surprised that his pupils were like bronze bells“ "Ah?"

Zhan hanjue said, "so you have to think about it carefully. Is there anything wrong with her?"

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