"Brother guanxiao, where are you going?" Matchless asked with a smile.

Guan Xiao's face is broken.

"Do you think there is a moon today?"

Then he slammed the door.

Before long, Guan Xiao ran out again. He opened the door and saw that Wushuang's energy was better than night owl's. He looked at him and joked: "the moon has seen it. Do you want to see the stars?"

Guan Xiao is angry. He slammed the door again.

In the middle of the night, Guan Xiao is holding the quilt and ready to climb the window to escape.

But as soon as I threw the quilt under the window, I heard the voice of the women's Doubles: "brother guanxiao, thank you so much. You know I'm cold. "

Guan Xiao is a fool.

Then, Guan Xiao, who had no quilt, shivered with cold.

I can't sleep well this night.

In the early hours of the morning, Guan Xiao opens the door against the panda's eyes, but sees Wushuang lying in the corridor wrapped in a quilt.

However, hearing the sound of opening the door, Wushuang jumps up sensitively and stares at Guan Xiao.

"Brother, please, don't make trouble. If you don't sleep, I'm going to sleep? "

Guan Xiao was very depressed: "it's daybreak, you can go back."

Wushuang came up to him and reminded him in a low voice: "you try every way to escape every day. If you can't finish the task, Susu can't let you send her away."

"That woman is a fool at first sight? What do you want me to ask? "

Wushuang thought about it and said, "ask her name, who are there in her family? Just like a new friend, when you are familiar with her, she will tell you more details. "

Guan Xiao is very distressed: "but when I face women, I stammer."

Matchless beautiful face instantly Black: "guanxiao brother, your words are very insulting to me. Am I not a woman? "

Guan Xiao said, "I didn't treat you as a girl."

Matchless gas bared his teeth: "what do you mean, that I do not have a woman?"

Guan Xiao looked Wushuang up and down.

"You look at yourself, white suit and trousers, where is a little feminine?"

Wushuang does not believe in heresy: "do you... Believe me to bend you?"

"What do you mean?" Guan Xiao said angrily

Wushuang said with a smile, "don't you like women? So I'm going to break you back. "

Guan Xiao looked at her contemptuously: "with you this man old woman?"

Matchless clenched his fist: "you'll see."

Guan Xiao is so angry that he has to close the door again. This time, his unparalleled foot suddenly steps in. Guan Xiao had to make a sudden stop.

"What do you want?" Guan Xiao asked angrily.

I was insulted by Wushuang in the early morning, and my mood was not beautiful.

Matchless but heartless smile: "let me in, I help you ask her."

Guan Xiao couldn't wait for it. He pulled the door tightly and made a gesture to Wushuang.

When Wushuang entered the room, the woman had not got up.

Unparalleled, he sat on Guan Xiao's sofa with his uncle and gave him directions.

"Brother guanxiao, pour me a glass of water. I'm thirsty. "

"You don't have hands?" The official knows nothing.

Matchless arrogant way: "Oh, you say I am so thirsty, when you will ask, should play abnormal?"

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