"Must eat, because I am..." the woman shook her head in pain, "do not eat my parents, my family will die."

"Oh, my God." Unparalleled natural chivalrous, heard of this inhuman use of things, suddenly feel devoid of human nature.

"Anything else?"

"That's all I remember?"

Wushuang said to Guan Xiao, "brother Guan Xiao, what are you doing? I feel like I'm going to cook for my beautiful aunt."

Guan Xiao handed matchless a "you owe beat" expression, and then turned into the kitchen.

Before long, peerless crept to the kitchen.

Guan Xiao saw that she was like a thief. He held his arms in his arms and looked at her in his spare time: "what do you want?"

"Shh." Matchless made a silent gesture to him.

"Brother guanxiao. This lady may have something to do with Mrs. Yun. You take good care of her. As expected, Mrs. Yun will find a way to save her. You need to be safe. I'll go back and help you find help. "

The official knows nothing.

"Our ghost territory? Need you to go back to the rescue? Are you sure your sisters in the hall of military intelligence are better than our ghosts? "

Matchless patted Guan Xiao's chest: "don't get angry easily. Were you firecrackers in your last life? It burns at one point. I tell you, your ghosts are very good at fighting openly, but you can't deal with those evil tricks. No, I'll get you some help. "

Guan Xiao's eyes glared at the unrivalled hand: "take your hand away."

Wushuang was stunned. Seeing Guan Xiao's expression of resisting the woman's approach, Wushuang's prank escalated: "don't be angry, don't be angry, I'll go away immediately." With that, she pinched Guan Xiaojun's face.

Guan Xiao carried her directly. A shoulder fall... Unparalleled, like sticky candy, tightly attached to his body.

"You have the guts to throw me out?"

Guan Xiao falls again

Matchless hanging upside down on him, hands tightly holding his thighs. And then restlessly buckle his itch

Guan Xiao lost her directly.

Wushuang got up from the ground and began to laugh.

"Fight with me, you're still young."

You can imagine how ugly Guan Xiao looks.

He's a man in his thirties, but he can't hold a little girl. It's a shame to tell her.

"On the count of three, get out of here. Or I'll make you look good. "

"Right now, right now." Wushuang also knows that she is definitely not Guan Xiao's opponent. Hurry to the peach.

After Wushuang left, Guan Xiao touched his heart. "Women are trouble," he muttered

Wushuang finds Hanbao and reports her discovery to Hanbao. Finally, he concluded: "I'm sure that woman has something to do with Shan Yun. Hanbao, rob her. It's a waste of resources to put it in guanxiao's old man. "

Han Bao said with a smile: "elder sister, you don't know. Su Su put such a charming beauty in Guan Xiao's room. In fact, his intention is that the drunk man's intention is not to drink. "

"What do you mean?"

"Who doesn't know that elder brother guanxiao is afraid of women. I'm afraid I didn't expect elder brother Guan Xiao to be able to torture a lot of valuable information from her. I just want brother guanxiao to overcome his fear of women. "

Matchless way: "so it is."

Then Wushuang exclaimed, "he's not so resistant to women, is he? Just had a fight with me this morning? "

Han Bao looked at the unique neutral dress: "that's because he didn't treat you as a woman."

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