Zheng Ling was disappointed and said, "in fact, I always hope that elder sister and you can achieve the right result. It's not just because you have a common child, but because the elder sister likes you. In her heart, you are different after all. It's a great pity that you're going our separate ways now. "

Zhan hanjue hugged Zheng Ling and said, "Zheng Ling, don't be sad. Many people in this world go their separate ways every day. But don't worry, brother Jue and you won't be separated. "

Finish saying very proud Jiao of looked at eye Yu Cheng dry. Don't have deep meaning way: "I will protect you well, will never let anyone corner."

Yu Chengqian said, "I can't stand you. Don't just tell me? "

Zhan hanjue said: "I have no intention of you. Don't always bring it to yourself. "

Yu Chengqian was so angry that he didn't want to talk to Han hanjue.

Zhan hanjue added: "elder sister and Fang zhicao are married, so you have to take back Chenchen's custody. But how can you take it? Elder sister is not Yan Zhengyu, she is now the chairman of the Yan family. Have the ability to nurture Chenchen. On the contrary, it's you. Although you are the little master of the Yu family, you have a lot of money. But on the court, you dare to reveal your family. You dare not. So, in the eyes of the judge, you are the moth who has no job, no income and lives in the name of his parents. There is no need to hold a court session in this fight between parents and children. I know you will lose. "

What Zhan hanjue said was very ugly, but he was very reasonable. However, Yu Chengqian was determined to get the way: "Chenchen, no matter what, I will not give it to Yan Zhengyu, let alone allow him to call other men as his father. I'll fight for Chenchen's custody at all costs. "

Yuchengqian at all costs, let Zhengling heart uneasy.

Although the Yan family has a great career, how can they resist the Yin means of the Yu family?

Yu Chengqian begged Zheng Ling: "Zheng Ling, after I left the imperial capital, the only thing I can't worry about is Chenchen. I know that most of the children who reorganize their families are pessimistic and depressed. I ask you to take care of this child for my sake. "

Zheng Ling also knows that good or bad luck is hard to predict. She didn't want Yu Chengqian to leave any regrets, so she said heavily, "don't worry, I'll stay in the morning. Let him be as healthy, optimistic and confident as Hanling. "

After getting Zheng Ling's promise, Yu Chengqian was completely relieved.

After Yu Chengqian left, Zheng Ling quickly called Zheng Yu. Ask Zhengyu and Fang zhicao whether the marriage information is true.

Who knows, as soon as the phone got through, the elder sister invited her to her wedding banquet: "sister, I'm going to get married. The 28th of next month. "

Zheng Ling is like being struck by lightning.

"Elder sister, is it Fang zhicao?"


"Do you love him?" Zheng Ling was a little excited.

Zheng Yu said with a bitter smile: "you know, some people's life is doomed not to get love."

"Elder sister, why did you suddenly make such a hasty decision?" Zheng Ling always felt that things were very unusual.

"When I got sick, Fang zhicao took care of me day and night. I think, the essence of love is not to find someone to share happiness and hardship, to carry on for a lifetime? Now that I've met you, there's no need to waste my time. I'm forty years old. Zheng Ling, I can't wait. "

Zheng Ling said: "elder sister, I respect any decision you make. It's just, Chenchen, what's your plan? "

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