Tong Bao suddenly realized“ Oh, I almost made a mistake. "

Tong Bao is simple and easy to be cheated. Fortunately, Qingge has a careful mind and can tell her everything at any time, so that Tongbao will not forget to be vigilant.

"But we don't know where the divine realm is going?"

Qingge said, "did you leave any treasure? Do you want to see if there is any information about the divine realm in it? "

Tong Bao quickly took out his pillow and three books from it. "This is the book that my husband left me," he said

Qingge said, "look at it."

Tong Bao turned it up seriously.

Finally, six maps were found in the middle of the covers of the three books. Tong Bao raised his book and said, "this map should be the way to the divine realm."

Qingge looks at the pillow made of imitation human skin and frowns.

In order to protect them, Tong Bao tied them to his stomach every day, looking like he had a big stomach. It increases the difficulty of walking for Tong Bao.

"Can you recite the contents of this book?"

Tong Baodao: "can carry."

Qingge said, "then burn them. To avoid being missed. And aren't you tired of walking with them? "

Tong Baoke was reluctant to give up: "no, I didn't digest and absorb a lot of knowledge."

Qingge sighs.

The two men took out the map and put it together. Finally found a way to God.

However, when you come to a place where there are people, you come to the lake.

Tong Bao and Qingge are old and young. This combination is more or less eye-catching.

On this day, Tong Bao was thirsty. Qingge went to a villager's house to borrow water to drink. The villagers gave water generously. But when Tong Bao saw the villagers' gloomy face, he couldn't help but ask: "brother, you don't look very happy."

The villager sighed: "Alas, my mother-in-law and aunt are ill. The doctor said that my mother-in-law and aunt will not live long."

Tong Bao was kind, "Oh? What's wrong? "

Qingge grabs her. Beckoned her to mind her own business.

But Tong Bao secretly said, "the doctor is kind-hearted. If I forget my duty as a doctor in order to protect my life, am I still worthy of being a doctor?"

Qingge is convinced by Tongbao's great principle. He nodded and agreed.

The villager was very confused and said, "I don't know what's wrong, but I can't urinate all of a sudden. I'm powerless. I've been bedridden for several months."

"Take me to have a look," Tong said

The villagers looked at Tong Bao suspiciously, "will you see a doctor?"

Tong Bao said: "at my age, I eat more rice than you do. Maybe I can see what's wrong? "

The villagers in line with the principle of dead horse as a living horse doctor, with Tong Bao into the mother-in-law's room.

The room was dark and smelly. There is no surplus labor to take care of the patients so decently.

But Tong Bao was the daughter of a wealthy family. Seeing such a miserable patient, he felt very sad. Tears will not obedient fall down.

Qingge tightened her hand. Tong Bao's heart is full of sorrow. When she came to her mother-in-law and reached for her pulse, Qingge suddenly said to the villager, "uncle, how far is it from the market?"

Tong Bao is surprised. Qingge is really a smart child. At this time, if she deliberately distracts the villagers, she will be able to use her fists.

She opened her mother-in-law's eyelids and felt her pulse. She basically knew that she was suffering from acute renal failure.

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