Luo Shihan has a lot of doubts in his heart at the moment. Why didn't his brother Yan Zhengzheng guard the Yan Family's huge property in Yancheng and choose to go to the imperial capital to set up a new door?

The Yan family is not as populous as other aristocratic families. She and Yan Zhengzheng are the two orthodox descendants of the Yan family. Although the lovers whose father was outside also had children, their grandfather never allowed them to enter Yan's house.

In grandfather's eyes, he has only two grandchildren, Zheng Zheng and Zheng Ling.

"General manager Yan!" Luo Shihan hides the mixed feelings of sadness and happiness in his heart and greets Yan Zhengzheng with a smile.

Yan Zhengzheng laughed dryly, "Luo Shihan, you've come just in time. The company has been attacked by anonymous hackers, who are tampering with our data. This is the time for you to show your skills. "

A hacker, blatantly tampered with the target company's data, provocative means is very strong.

However, if such an arrogant hacker meets a master who is more powerful than him, he will easily turn over. Because once the other party decodes his IP, he will know his identity.

"Show me." Luo Shihan is so calm.

Fang zhicao looks at Luo Shihan. She has a calm temperament. She is a woman with strong psychology.

"I'll take you." We know the way of grass.

Luo Shihan nodded.

Fang zhicao takes Luo Shihan to the company's computer room. Luo Shihan sat down and began to be busy.

Fang zhicao was joking, "Luo Shihan, where did you study in college?"

"Imperial College." Luo's poems contain Tao.

Just know that the grass is bursting with sweat. A college named after a place is definitely not a top university.

"Luo Shihan, what awards have you won?" Fang zhicao asked persistently.

"Never won a prize." Luo's poems contain the truth.

Fang zhicao's face crossed, and his tone began to be bad. "Then what kind of confidence do you have to apply for the position of chief hacker consultant of Chongzhen?"

At the moment in my heart has identified her as a fake hacker!

Luo Shihan turns the computer screen to Fang zhicao, "that's it."

Fang zhicao saw that Luo Shihan was operating at such a high speed that he soon entered Chongzhen and reset the key.

"Bullshit Only then did he know that the grass was so frightened that his chin was about to fall to the ground.

"Miss Luo is so talented, how can she condescend to Chongzhen and receive a meager salary?" Fang zhicao's attitude towards Luo Shihan obviously became attentive.

Luo Shihan said, "you'd better call me Luo Shihan?"

Fang zhicao was a little embarrassed and said, "I'm really sorry just now. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I can't believe you are a great hacker!"

"Miss Luo has not told me why you chose Chongzhen?" The more talented Luo Shihan is, the more he doubts the motive of her coming to Chongzhen.

I'm afraid it's enemy spies who break into Chongzhen.

"Because you are always the only one willing to pay me in advance." Luo's poems contain Tao.

"My family has always been very silly and naive. I didn't expect that he was lucky this time."

Luo Shihan frowned and knew that the way Cao called Yan Zhengzheng always made her feel chilly.

Just because their address was too close, many people came to her for a while and asked her if the relationship between her brother and Fang zhicao was abnormal?

And she also suspected that their relationship was abnormal, suffering from no evidence.

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