Zhan hanjue covered his nose, fanned the wind, and said, "stay away from me, there's a smell of urine."

Yan Zhengsheng sat on the ground with no love: "I will destroy my reputation."

Yu Chengqian played with that man for more than ten rounds, but it was hard to separate them. Zhan hanjue then ordered the ghost members: "you go up and help him."

The ghost sprang up.

There was a fierce battle between the two sides.

Just, the man's big knife, the wind, wave cut, cold light everywhere.

Zhan hanjue retreated to Tongbao and Qingge and said, "this man is a little difficult. Go away quickly."

Tong Bao shook his head: "I will not go."

Zhan hanjue was stunned. When did Tong Bao become so rebellious?

Perhaps it shouldn't be called treason. When she grows up, she has more determination and perseverance to protect herself.

Zhan hanjue no longer forced him. Only the eagle's eyes were watching the situation.

The man with few enemy public, appear to be laborious after all.

He roared, "fire the gun."

At once, the wounded on the ground took out a skygun from his arms, lit it and threw it into the sky. As soon as it was thrown, it flew high and burst out colorful fireworks in the air.

Zhan hanjue had a bad feeling and said, "it seems that we have to make a quick decision."

Then Zhan hanjue took off and fell in front of the man. With his cooperation with Yu Chengqian, the man was kicked to the ground by Zhan hanjue. Broadsword was kicked away.

Yan Zheng clapped his chest and cried out: "scared to death baby."

Zhan hanjue turned to look at Tong Bao and said, "snow fairy, can you plant poison?"

Tong Bao thought about it and said, "it's better. But they are the people who use poisons. My poisons are nothing to them. "

Yan Zhenghao lost: "ah, you only learn to save people, not to harm them. What if you meet bad people? "

Zhan hanjue showed a happy smile.

He is a kind-hearted child. He is proud of it.

"It's not suitable to stay here long. Let's go. " Zhan hanjue said.

So they packed their bags quickly and left in a hurry.

"Where are we going?" Yan Zheng looked at the unknown dense forest ahead, a little at a loss.

Zhan hanjue looked at Tong Bao: "you lead the way."

Tong Bao nodded.

But Yu Chengqian protested: "you are crazy. Why do we go with them? Their origins are unknown... "

"Don't worry, they won't harm us," he said

Yu Chengqian no longer objected. I just feel strange to Zhan Ye's decision in my heart.

In order to avoid the men chasing them, Tong Bao with everyone, fast walking.

But not long after Tong Bao left, he was exhausted.

Qingge said, "grandma, I'll carry you."

Zhan hanjue heard the words, his eyes sank and his handsome face hardened instantly. "Cold voice way:" still I carry

Qingge is stunned

Tong Bao was also stunned

Yan Zheng said bluntly, "master Zhan, did you take the wrong medicine?"

Zhan didn't leave him. He went straight to Tong Bao and squatted down“ Come on up

At this time, there was only one voice in his heart: his daughter could not contact with other men. After all, men and women are not compatible.

Except for him.

Tong Bao naturally lies on the back of Zhan hanjue.

Zhan hanjue carried her on his back and walked steadily on the rugged mountain road.

Yan Zheng chattered on all the way: "master Zhan, why did you suddenly pay so much attention to Xuexian's mother-in-law?"

Zhan hanjue scolded him: "shut your crow's mouth."

Tong Bao also thinks that his father's behavior is abnormal. He just ignored her a few days ago, but today he suddenly takes special care of her.

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