The alarm clock on the wall is ticking.

It's almost time for kindergarten to finish school. Zhan hanjue glances at the exhausted luoshihan, stands up silently and walks to the door“ I'll pick up the baby

Luo Shihan looked at him gratefully, "please!" She was too tired to move.

Not long after Zhan hanjue left, Luo Shihan received a call from Bai Suyuan.

"Shihan, are you free? I want to talk to you. "

Luo Shihan went to the French window of the living room, opened the curtain, and saw Bai Suyuan's Ferrari leaning on the side of the road.

"OK, I'll be right down." Luo Shihan hung up his mobile phone and fell into a short absence.

When she approached Bai Suyuan, her purpose was not simple, and her conscience was somewhat uneasy.

The installation master has installed the shelf bed and politely said goodbye to Luo Shihan, "Miss, the bed has been installed. If you have any questions, please call after-sales."

"I'll take you out." Luo Shihan and the installation master take the elevator down the stairs.

At the entrance of the Yunting building, Bai Suyuan was wearing a white suit, just like prince charming, shining in the gloomy night.

Seeing that Luo Shihan came out, Bai Suyuan welcomed him with a warm smile, "Luo Shihan!"

Luo Shihan looks at Bai Suyuan and smiles“ Bai Shao doesn't go to the three treasures hall for anything. What can I do for you? "

Bai Suyuan nodded and said, "come with me, please have supper. Let's sit down and talk slowly. "

Luo Shihan hesitated, but he followed Bai Suyuan into the car with a lot of worries.

When Zhan hanjue came back with the children, he passed by Bai Suyuan's car. Seeing the familiar figure in the back seat, Zhan hanjue's eyes were filled with cold air.

"It's uncle Bai. Mommy and uncle Bai are dating Tong Bao cheered.

Han Bao looked at his sister unhappily, "what's so happy about this?"

Tong Baodao said, "Uncle Bai is polite to Mommy. If Mommy marries him, she will feel happy."

Zhan hanjue's silent congzhuo Tongbao. "Evil threat way," you are not afraid of after father abuse you this little stepdaughter, don't give you to eat, don't give you to wear, still don't let you go to school

Tong Bao raised his head with pride and rolled his eyes at Han Jue. "I've only heard the story of vicious stepmother abusing children, but I've never heard the story of father abusing stepdaughter."

"Frog in the well." Zhan hanjue took it back impolitely.

Tong Bao is a clever child who is more skillful than others. The devil attacks him and says, "this kind of thing can only be done by a great devil like you. Uncle Bai won't! "

Zhan hanjue has a black face.

Although he looks very cold and hard to get close to, he is not as terrible as she said, OK?

"Lord, who gave me the nickname?" Zhan hanjue frowned in displeasure.

Tong Bao said in a low voice, "I am."

Zhan hanjue

"It's your mummy's daughter. Like her, she looks gentle and kind, but her stomach is full of ink." Zhan hanjue said gloomily.


Zhan Su took daddy's hand and said, "Daddy, my sister is still young. Don't worry about him!"

Han Jue didn't want to worry about a girl who didn't do it, but she was very clever and the biggest obstacle for him to pursue his wife. It was a headache to think about it.

Zhan hanjue impatiently sent the three children home and made them spaghetti. However, Tong Bao pushed the spaghetti in the bowl and said, "uncle, I don't like this kind of dry noodles."

Zhan hanjue knows that xiaobaozi is deliberately making trouble with him because he tries to stir up the relationship between Bai Suyuan and her.

He poured the noodles from her bowl into his bowl, and then said mercilessly, "if you don't eat, you will be hungry."

Tong Bao holds her puppet and sits on the sofa watching TV.

Han Bao and Zhan Su are looking at their childish father and proud sister. They shake their heads helplessly and cover their faces in a bowl.

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