"Well." Zhan Su nodded.

Hanbao comes down the stairs. Zhan hanjue and Luo Shihan hear the children's footsteps. Their quarrel stops suddenly.

Hanbao walks up to them, looks at mommy's red eyes, and then looks at Zhan hanjue - inexplicably angry with Daddy.

He didn't expect to bully mummy's boss these days. It turned out that he was his father who thought about it day and night.

Daddy is cool, handsome and rich. But the best person for him in the world is Mommy. He doesn't allow anyone to bully Mommy, neither does daddy.

"Zhan su. What are you doing down here? Go up quickly and let aunt Bai take you to the kindergarten later. " Zhan hanjue looked at his son with a slight frown. He seemed to see a trace of resentment from the child's eyes.

This is unprecedented.

Hanbao goes to Zhan hanjue and raises his head.

Zhan hanjue was stunned.

Zhan Su is an obsessive-compulsive person who controls micro expressions and micro movements. But he has a lot of small moves today!

"Daddy, I don't want it from Aunt Bai. I want her to send me. "“ Zhan Su "points to Luo Shihan, and his insistence makes Zhan hanjue surprised.

Zhan hanjue gently touched his son's head. "Zhan Su, aunt Luo has something to do at home. She has to leave our home. Zhan Su, say goodbye to your aunt! "

Han Bao turns to look at Luo Shihan, and Mommy still has tears in her eyes. Mommy told him yesterday that she couldn't do without this job. It's obvious that daddy is overbearing and wants to quit Mommy.

Han Bao goes to Luo Shihan and reaches out his finger to hook Luo Shihan's little finger. Then Kejin coquettishly peddled, "luoshihan, don't go. I like you to send me to kindergarten. Is that all right? "

Zhan hanjue was stunned.

For the first time, he heard the voice of Zhan Su, which was so soft and cute that the iceberg melted in an instant.

Luo Shihan rubbed her eyes. How could she have the illusion that Zhan Su was possessed by Han Bao?

Luo Shihan squatted down, holding Zhan Su's face, pleaded, "Zhan Su, can I be late and leave early every day for a while?"

Han Bao of course knows the reason why Mommy is late and leaves early, because Mommy wants to pick him up and take Tong Tong to school. Han Bao is a reasonable child, without hesitation nodded, "of course."

Zhan hanjue is so angry that her lungs are about to burst. Luo Shihan takes advantage of her child's innocence to find a way to get rid of her bad habits.

"I don't agree!" Zhan hanjue said angrily.

Han Bao stares at Zhan hanjue bitterly——

Then, with a quick thought, he walked slowly to Zhan hanjue and tried his best to squeeze out a few tears. He looked at Zhan hanjue pitifully.

"Daddy, why don't you like luoshihan to send me?"

Zhan hanjue cites Luo Shihan's accusations and says, "she has no sense of time. She is late for work every day."

Han Bao says, "Daddy, why is she late?"

If it wasn't for your other two children, Mommy wouldn't be late! Han Bao thought angrily.

In front of his son's face, Zhan hanjue's hegemonism slightly converges. Hawk Falcon's eyes gaze at Luo Shihan, showing tolerance for the first time“ Why are you late? "

Luo Shihan was embarrassed. What would she say?

Tell him she was late because their daughter was ill? Tell him that besides Zhan Su, in fact, she has to send their other pair of children to and from school?

How dare she expose the existence of Han Bao Tong before she is not sure whether he will take her child overbearing?

"Hum," Han sneered contemptuously, "no excuse? Is that right? "

"Zhan Su" immediately absolves Luo Shihan, "Daddy, Luo Shihan may have her troubles.". Maybe her baby is sick? Maybe she's going to pick up her kids to and from school? "

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