A Rolls Royce team leader, with a vast team of flowers, from the flower market to the city's Xiangge hotel.

At this time, Tong Bao was tired from crying and had already fallen asleep in Mommy's arms. But from time to time, he said, "I don't want Daddy. Daddy is a bad man."

Luo Shihan's eyes are red and his heart is like a knife.

Suddenly the door of the hotel was knocked, and the Impatiens, looking at her lonely sister-in-law, got up to open the door.

"Sister in law, come quickly."

Hearing the cry of Impatiens, Luo Shihan puts Tong Bao on the bed and goes out.

Outside is a sea of red roses.

The ground is covered with a thick layer of petals, along the road on both sides are also tied with white floats, floats inside are heart-shaped roses.

After counting, there are eleven floats.

"How many roses does it take?" she said

Luo Shihan looked at the Impatiens and said with a smile, "which dandy has a crush on you again?"

"It's so romantic. If you come for me, I'll marry him. "

As soon as the words came down, Zhan hanjue stepped forward from the stairway at the corner.

Impatiens quickly covered his mouth, swallowing his words, "when I did not say." Then run into the house.

When Luo Shihan saw Zhan hanjue, there was a trace of confusion in his dark colored glass pupil.

"Zhan ye, what are you doing?" Luo Shihan really can't understand the purpose of his painstaking efforts.

Zhan hanjue stood in front of her with his hands in his trouser pockets. He looked lazy and noble.

"Can't you see that? I'm after you. "

Luo Shihan had a headache and pinched his forehead“ Zhan ye, the rose will wither. Sorry, I can't accept this kind of short-term passionate love. "

With that, Luo Shihan turned to enter the room and slammed the door shut.

Zhan hanjue's flower delivery plan was a complete failure.

Guan Xiao looks at the president who has been shut in the door and is as numb as a cucumber.

Luo Shihan is the only one who dares to embarrass the president.

He can guarantee that losihan will die without a burial place.

Zhan hanjue stares at Guan Xiao, who walks over in fear.

"Don't you think that dandy Zhan tingjun is sure to chase women?" Zhan hanjue's face was overcast.

Guan Xiao drooped his head, "president, the women that Zhan Ye usually pursues are all internet stars. Maybe that set is not suitable for good women."

Zhan hanjue thought for a moment, and a smile appeared on his lips.

Also, how can his Zheng Ling be the same as those vulgar powder?

"Call the door." Zhan hanjue said coldly.

Guan Xiao rings the doorbell.

No response.

Guan Xiao's face is a little gray. He glances at the president secretly. The president doesn't mean to stop him, so Guan Xiao has to continue to press.

The doorbell rings for a long time.

In the house.

The Impatiens propped her chin with one hand and looked suspiciously at Luo Shihan.

"My brother's lonely personality can even send flowers to girls. It's a long time ago. Elder sister-in-law, my brother, he won't fall in love with you? "

Luo Shihan said with a astringent smile, "his attitude to me is not as bad as before, but I guess he cares about the face of the child. You don't really like me

Zhan Fengxian's eyes are dim. She knows that elder brother likes Zhengling sister. That's the love that hurts her heart.

Big brother, from small to big, likes the same things. He never wants to throw away the things he used. It's impossible for him to forget sister Zhengling so soon.

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