In the evening, Zhan hanjue came home with three cute treasures.

Zhang Ma anxiously told Zhan hanjue about Luo Shihan's departure, "young master, Miss Luo has already left."

Zhan hanjue held Tong Bao in his arms, nodded his head calmly and said, "Hmm!"

At that time, he never thought that Zhang Ma's so-called "gone" represented a long separation.

He thinks that if luoshihan is determined to leave him for a long time, she should at least take her own daughter.

Therefore, he thinks that Luo Shihan is just leaving the calendar garden for a while, going out to meet his friends and go shopping.

Seeing that the young master didn't show an unexpected expression, mother Zhang thought that the well-informed young master already knew about Luo Shihan's departure. I don't want to say more.

Who knows, in the evening, Tong Bao began to cry for Mommy because he didn't see her.

Zhan hanjue had no choice but to call Luo Shihan.

After this call, I found that Luo Shihan's mobile phone had stopped working.

Zhan hanjue realized later what it meant when luoshihan left.

In an instant, he felt that the sky was falling apart, and he opened his throat and cried, "Mom Zhang, where has Luo Shihan gone?"

Zhang Ma looked at the excited young master, stunned.

Young master has always been wise and extraordinary. How can he be confused today?

"Young master, she did not say."

Zhan hanjue suddenly went crazy and threw his mobile phone to the ground, causing the screen to crack.

Tong Bao didn't see Mommy, so he didn't feel safe. He was sobbing in a low voice.

This will see Zhan hanjue lose his temper and become more frightened. He let go of his voice and cried, "I want mommy! Mommy

Zhan Su and Han Bao look at daddy with fear. Obviously, they are also scared by daddy.

The kind-hearted mother Zhang ran over to hold Tong Bao and coaxed him, "baby, don't cry, Mommy will come back."

Zhan hanjue's chest heaved because of his anger. The cold light from the eagle's pupil is like the night sweeping all things.

"What do you want, losihan?" Zhan hanjue gritted his teeth.

Zhang Ma said, "young master, don't blame Zhang Ma for saying something fair. Although Miss Luo is of humble birth, she is different from other girls. She doesn't love vanity. If the strategists despise her, she won't marry you. What she wants is equal love. "

Zhan hanjue's eagle pupil suddenly shrank, "mother Zhang, has someone in the Zhan family ever looked for her?"

Zhang Ma will tell you the details“ The old master entrusts your mother to bring Miss Luo a few words, let her behave herself, don't show up in the hot search. After all, she's a woman with a complicated marriage history. "

After listening, Zhan hanjue sat down on the sofa.

How can the warfighter's contempt for Luo Shihan not let her lose heart and despair?

After all, she is a proud Zheng Ling.

When Tong Bao heard that mommy had abandoned her and left alone, he burst into tears. He suddenly broke free from Mommy Zhang's arms and tried to run out to find Mommy.

"Mommy, don't leave me, don't leave me."

Zhan hanjue intercepted her. He was very upset at first. He was annoyed by Tong Bao.

"Don't cry. If you cry, Mommy won't come back. "

Maybe Zhan is right. Crying can't solve the problem.

But for Tong Bao, who lacks a sense of security, the loss of his mother means the end of the sky.

Zhan has no patience to appease her. She is full of fear for this strange environment and new family.

Han Bao came over and took his sister's hand. His eyes were red. "Sister, don't cry. Mommy won't want us! "

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