Luo Shihan takes Zhan Su home to settle down, and immediately calls Zhan hanjue.

"Hello, Mr. Zhan, Zhan Su has gone home. The child has suffered a lot at school today. I hope you can face up to the problem of resisting going to school

Luo Shihan told him about Zhan Su's situation, but he was interrupted by Zhan hanjue in the middle of saying, "Luo Shihan, it's not your turn to teach me how to manage my own children."

It's obvious to declare the child's sovereignty.

Luo Shihan sighed helplessly.

"You can go back. I'll be there later." Then he hung up.

Then he told Guan Xiao, "park the car by the side."

After a while, Luo Shihan came out of the villa with her handbag. She looked in a hurry and went to the bus stop.

Zhan hanjue was about to get out of the car. Seeing Luo Shihan in a hurry, he changed his mind and said to Guan Xiao, "follow her."

About forty or fifty minutes later, Luo Shihan appeared at the gate of Chengbei Experimental Kindergarten.

Rolls Royce stopped not far from her.

When the school bell rings, the children come out in an orderly line.

From a distance, Tong Tong saw mommy, waving his arms excitedly and running to Mommy quickly“ Mommy

Luo Shihan opens his arms and Tong Tong smashes his head into her arms.

"Mommy, didn't your boss embarrass you today and let you get off work on time?"

Luo Shihan nodded happily, "well."

Tong Tong cheered with joy. It seems that Hanbao is very useful to negotiate with mummy's boss!

In Rolls Royce's car, the eyes of Han hanjue are locked on the child's lovely face.

With round face, black eyes, straight nose and fair skin, it looks like a porcelain doll.

"Can Luo Shihan have such a lovely daughter?" said Zhan hanjue

Guan Xiao

In the heart, Luo Shihan said, since he can give birth to Zhan Su's cool and handsome baby, why can't he give birth to a beautiful daughter?

Zhan hanjue looked at Tong Tong's eyes for a long time. After a long time, Mao suddenly opened his eyes. Isn't this baozi the little girl he saw at the airport that day?

It turned out that she was Luo Shihan's daughter.

So, the wonderful woman I met at the airport that day was Luo Shihan, right?

In order to avoid her, Luo Shihan did everything he could!

Guan Xiao looks at Tong Tong's face, which is exactly like Luo Shihan's, and he can't help but light wax for Luo Shihan in his heart.

As expected, Miss Luo remarried to other men and had children after she divorced the president. I'm afraid it's hard to accept the president's paranoid cleanliness?

I'm afraid the end of losihan is coming!

Zhan hanjue's face was livid. He pushed the door open and stepped to luoshihan's mother and daughter in three or two steps.

Seeing this cool looking uncle, Tong Tong immediately exclaimed in horror, "Mommy, uncle peddler."

Zhan hanjue's handsome face was immediately covered with black lines.

He took out his wallet, took out a pile of money and put it into Tong Tong's hand. Then he reminded Tong Bao angrily, "in the future, don't call me a human dealer."

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