Hanbao brought hot tea for mummy. "Mummy, you drink water."

Tong Bao beat his mother's back attentively.

Zhan Su stood by and was at a loss.

Luo Shihan was moved to tears by the children's love.

"Mummy, stay." Zhan Su bites his lips and suddenly opens his mouth.

Luo Shihan looks at Zhan Su, tears gush out from his eyes, reaches out his hand, and Zhan Su walks over. Luo Shihan holds him in his arms.

When Zhan hanjue came into the room, he saw the picture of the mother and son.

I stopped to wait and see for a while, then I went upstairs.

Sitting on the office chair in the study, Zhan hanjue leaned his head on the back of the chair and looked at the white ceiling.

What should he do to make her stay willingly?

There was a knock at the door.

Zhan hanjue glanced over and saw Impatiens standing at the door with a teacup and asked, "brother, may I come in?"

Zhan hanjue nodded.

The Impatiens walked over and handed the cup to Zhan hanjue, "drink water."

Zhan hanjue straightened up, took the cup, but gazed at Zhan Fengxian, who didn't plan to leave. "What's the matter?"

The Impatiens laughed.

"Say anything." Zhan hanjue has no good way.

Phoenix fairy way, "big brother, you love her or not, I don't know. But I see it. You want her to stay. "

Zhan hanjue looked at the Impatiens, and his eyes were deep and unpredictable.

Zhan Fengxian, an emotional counselor, has an insightful attitude. "Are you going to block her like this all the time?"

Zhan hanjue took a sip of tea. The rich fragrance of rose tea made him frown.

He is not used to flower tea.

Raise tea cup pick eyebrow dissatisfied looking at the impatiens.

"Oh, rose tea, my sister-in-law loves it," she explained with a light expression

Zhan hanjue put the cup on the table.

Phoenix fairy way, "you see you, obviously very thirsty, but also don't want to aggrieve oneself with her to drink the same tea.". Elder brother, if you go on like this, you will only get away from her... "

It seems to poke his pain, Zhan hanjue suddenly raised his eyes.

But Zhan Fengxian thought he was going to be angry.

After all, in his eyes, he always regarded Impatiens as a little girl who didn't know the world. He is so proud of people, how to tolerate a little girl who does not know the world to educate him?

"Go on."

Impatiens in a daze www.biqugexx.biz ], some accidents.

It's like being rewarded, and the Impatiens talk.

"Big brother, there are many women. For a vain woman, money is her husband. As long as the rice cooked mature rice, then she will be willing to be you captive

Zhan hanjue's face is slightly frozen - isn't it?

Isn't Zhan tingjun the son of a bitch who wants to conquer her heart first?

Obviously, losihan is not such a person.

Zhan Fengxian looks at Zhan hanjue, who is obediently taught, with a smile in her eyes.

"My sister-in-law, she's like other women. She doesn't love money. She is very proud. For such a woman, you have to show patience and determination, respect her, give her enough space and freedom, and maintain a gentlemanly demeanor. Just stand in the place where she can see and spread your charm. "

When the Impatiens said this, she suddenly leaned forward, approached Zhan hanjue and said nervously, "brother, believe me, you are the hormone of walking. If you don't do anything, your sister-in-law will come to you by herself!"

Zhan Han Jue Jun's face is instantly black, "the hormone of walking?"

Impatiens covered her mouth, dry smile, "wrong, walking ice."

Zhan hanjue fell into meditation.

Did he push luoshihan too hard before, that's why it backfired?

Impatiens seems to think of something, solemnly exhort: "you used to either dislike her, or humiliate her, sister-in-law is not heartless, she will keep in mind. If you have to do something, don't repeat it. It's taboo to humiliate her with money and force her to do something she doesn't like. Remember, remember. "

Zhan hanjue only felt that he was covered by ice caves.

Previously, he tried to take custody of the child with money.

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