Luo Shihan applied for his department directly under him. Is it clear that he is a thief?

"Very good. At ten o'clock in the morning, I remember to report to the human resources department of Huanya headquarters. I will let the interviewer of the human resources department solemnly welcome you Zhan hanjue clenched his teeth and emphasized the word "grand".

Luo Shihan can feel the president's invincible contempt for her across the mobile phone screen“ Thank you Even if the heart is scared to death, but also take out the momentum of losing the array.

Hang up the phone, Luo Shihan will give himself a delicate and elegant make-up.

Although it's light makeup, her white porcelain like skin, soft facial features and slight powder make her look very noble. In addition, with her high ball head in her arm, she changed into a light purple high-grade lace fishtail skirt, which was as beautiful as a fairy in the world.

The boy took out the white MK bag of mommy and said in a soft voice, "Mommy, this bag is very suitable for your make-up today. Mommy is taking the fairy route today. It's so beautiful. "

Luo Shihan breaks down his bag and kisses Tong Tong. Then he winked playfully at Tong Tong, "do you think Mommy looks like a cleaner?"

Zhan hanjue said that she was only qualified to apply for the cleaner of Huanya, so she showed him that she didn't follow the route of cleaner.

Zhan Su is a little worried. Daddy's Huanya company's golden standard of recruitment is "the capable, the average and the mediocre". Although Mommy is very beautiful, she just doesn't know if her skills can be favored by daddy?

"Mommy, it's time for you to go." Zhan Su is afraid that mommy will be late, which is a taboo of Huanya. So remind Luo Shihan.

Luo Shihan looked at his watch. It was still early“ I'll take you to kindergarten first. "

Zhan Su refused and said, "No. You go to the interview. "

Luo Shihan is a little lonely, and "Hanbao" seems to care a lot about her job. Luo Shihan went to rub Hanbao's head and asked, "Hanbao, do you really want mommy to work in Huanya?"

"Hanbao" nods like a pound of garlic. Of course, he wants mommy to work in Huanya, because only in this way can mommy and daddy still have the chance to meet. This is his common wish with Hanbao.

Luo Shihan nodded. Although she didn't know why her son had such a strange idea, she faintly felt that her son had grown up and was sensible, so she hoped that she could return to her favorite career.

"Mommy won't let you down." Luo Shihan said with a smile.

When Luo Shihan arrived at Huanya human resources department, it was just ten o'clock.

Several interviewers in the office have been ready for a long time. When Luo Shihan pushed the door, they were all in front of him.

Fairy down to earth, the breeze slowly!

This is their first impression of losihan.

Luo Shihan walked gracefully to several interviewers with a smile on her pretty face“ Hello, judges. "

Standard Tianlai's Putonghua is like an announcer.

The interviewer looked at each other face to face. Why did the candidate say different from the president?

No ]Do you mean that she has a low education, vulgar behavior and no learning skills?

"Name." An examiner suspected that Luo Shihan had gone to the wrong place and asked.

"Luo Shihan." Luo Shihan replied in her Mandarin.

"For what position?"

"Network security maintenance."

The interviewer pointed to the computer next to him, "Miss Luo, this is the question that our president personally gave you. If you can successfully access the web page of Huanya and successfully attack any computer in the headquarters, you will pass the test."

Luo Shihan goes to the computer and starts to work.

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