Zhan hanjue invited the best doctor in Huanya to treat his mother's illness, and mercifully took care of Zhan tingcheng.

Under the careful care of Zhan Ting City, Zhan hanjue's mother recovered very well. The weight also increased from 20 kg to 38 kg.

She looks more healthy, showing her unique charm and beauty.

And the battle court City, has recovered and normal people.

Xiangding garden is full of vitality, but it makes the owners of other courtyards feel uneasy.

Zhan tingye, Zhan tinglei and Zhan tingsu in the wheelchair find the old man together.

Zhan tingye said his worry, "Dad, when the two of them are so close, I'm worried that they will join hands to deal with us. After all, they may be... "

When Zhan tingye talks about this, the old master gives him a sharp look. Zhan tingye didn't say anything. It seems that the old man is also secretive.

"Zhanting city and Yu Qianqian, as long as they stay in Bixi manor and don't cause trouble, we don't have to worry about them." The old man said.

"Dad, tingcheng's body has recovered very well. If yu Qianqian's body is better, he will not be subject to us because of his arrogant character. If he takes Yu Qianqian to escape from Bixi manor, our family will be in danger! " Zhan tinglei said anxiously.

The old man grasped the armrest of the chair and said, "he is also the son of the strategist."

"But he only hates the fighters!" Zhan tingye said.

As soon as the words came out, the whole room was silent.

For a long time, Zhan tingsu said, "elder brother, second brother, you worry too much. Don't we still have the trump card of the cold Baron? It's not the ordinary deep feeling of the Marquis for his father. "

This is probably the only trump they can rely on!


On this day, Zhan hanjue returned to xiangdingyuan for the first time.

Lunch with mother and battlecourt city.

Yu Qianqian was so happy that he kept bringing food to Zhan hanjue“ Kid, you're skinny. Eat meat. This is your favorite braised meat. "

Zhan hanjue nodded and ate hard.

In the past six months, he has been missing Zheng Ling. I was also troubled by my own life experience. It's hard to sleep and eat. I really lost a lot of weight.

However, his mother was able to see his changes at a glance, which made Zhan hanjue feel warm.

Zhanting city is very awkward and straight, just like a child is jealous“ Qianqian. I love meat, too. "

Yu Qianqian put the meat for Zhan hanjue into the bowl of Zhan tingcheng. Still laugh at him, "what vinegar do you have with the child?"

Zhan hanjue was severely stuffed with dog food by them, and he was very depressed.

After lunch, mother went upstairs for lunch break.

Zhan tingcheng sits on the sofa and examines Zhan hanjue.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Zhan hanjue frowned.

"I heard you made a servant of the Wutong courtyard big?" The battle court City sneers.

Zhan hanjue seemed to hear the Arabian Nights, his dark pupil glowing with surprise, "what do you say?"

The battle court City Road, "this matter, the green seal manor discusses one after another. Zhan hanjue, I didn't expect that the dirtiest part of Zhan family's blood was flowing in your body. "

"I didn't!" Zhan hanjue said angrily.

The battle court city looks at the ice at the bottom of Zhan hanjue's eyes, looks at him seriously for the first time, and then laughs sadly.

"Is it another game for a son to live for his father?" Zhan tingcheng said with emotion.

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