"What did Zhan Su do to you?"

"He didn't do anything to me!" Zhan Fengxian really didn't know how to tell her elder brother. She was afraid that the terrible news would frighten her elder brother.

His thinking remained in the past. "What did you do to him?"

Zhan Fengxian said, "I didn't do anything to him!"

Zhan Han Jue's face sank, "what are you crying about?"

Zhan Fengxian changed from sobbing to wailing, "brother, something happened to Zhan su."

Zhan hanjue said coldly, "Zhan Fengxian, can you finish what you have said in one breath?"

Zhan Fengxian wiped her tears and said with a little excitement in her grief

"Brother, Zhan Su is as cold and heartless as ice and frost in winter and warm as the scorching sun in June. Cold call me fight Impatiens, call me neurotic. When I was warm, I called my little aunt and laughed at me. Brother, how many times does Zhan Su switch back and forth? He's going to win an Oscar if he's playing with me? "

Zhan hanjue listens to Zhan Fengxian's report and starts to sweat in his palm holding his mobile phone.

If this happens for the first time, he may not take it seriously. But two days ago, Zhan Su was not normal in front of him.

If today Zhan Su frequently shows two sides of his character. Then he really suspects that Zhan Su is suffering from spermia.

Zhan hanjue stood up. When he came out again, his voice was cold. "Where is Zhan Su now?"

"Battle Impatiens exclaimed," finished, I do not know where he went

"Where are you now?" Zhan hanjue asked calmly.


"Playground?" The pupil of Zhan hanjue is filled with ice cold.

Since Luo Shihan took Zhan Su to the amusement park, this boy has been thinking about going to the amusement park?

Twenty minutes later, he appeared in the playground.

When Zhan Fengxian saw Zhan hanjue, she immediately began to cry“ Brother, I'm sorry, I lost Zhan Su! "

"Look for it." Zhan hanjue said coldly.

Bai Nanning, who came with him, took him to the left to look for people. And Zhan Fengxian went to the right to look for people.

Zhan Su and Han Bao had a tour for a while. Because they were worried about their parents, they decided to finish the tour and go back home.

Han Bao said reluctantly, "Zhan Su, when can I see you again?"

"Keep in touch." Zhan Su Dao.

"Then I'll go this way."

"Well, I'll go this way."

The two children parted ways.

When Hanbao left the playground, he ran into Zhan Fengxian, "little aunt!" Hanbao waved to her.

When Zhan Fengxian saw Han Bao, she rolled up her sleeve to beat someone, "smelly boy, I almost thought you were missing. Do you know how scared I am? Come here. If I don't beat you today, I won't be called Zhan Fengxian. "

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