Guan Xiao stared, "can you get used to it?"

Yan Zhengling didn't speak. I was so flustered.

Guan Xiao misunderstands Yan Zhengling. He really regards her as a heroine who is not afraid of everything, and immediately goes to carry out her instructions.

When Guan Xiao settled the medical team in the car and returned to the ward, Zhan hanjue's face was very ugly.

"What did you do? So long? " The voice of Zhan hanjue was very cold.

Guan Xiao said cautiously, "the nurses in the hospital are very busy. Only a new nurse can spare time to take care of you. It's just that she may not be familiar with her business skills. "

Zhan hanjue raised his deep eyes.

Looking out of the door, you can see the corner of the blue clothes on the side of the door, wriggling like a mollusk.

Although there was no one to see, he could already imagine his owner's small face and the appearance of his hesitation.

"Come in." Zhan hanjue ordered.

Yan Zhengling pushed the wheelchair and walked in with his head down.

Pushing the wheelchair to the bedside, her head dropped lower.

Guan Xiao looks silly when he sees her advice.

Suddenly I feel that it's a killing act to choose my wife standing in line against the president.

Zhan hanjue sat on the bed, motionless. Hawk Falcon's eyes are not instant staring at Yan Zhengling.

Time goes by in silence

Guan Xiao looks at the president and Yan Zhengling.

The president stares at Yan Zhengling, who looks down at his toes.

No eye contact at all.

I don't talk.

These two people are so deadlocked. When and when can we break the deadlock?

Guan Xiao suddenly stepped forward, "president, I help you!"

Zhan hanjue refused, "let the nurse come."

Yan Zhengling suddenly looked up and found that he had been waiting for her to serve him.

Guan Xiao is silly. The president's legs don't work hard. If he wants to get into a wheelchair, he needs to be carried in.

However, the president refused his help and asked his wife to help him alone, which was obviously embarrassing his wife!

Yan Zhengling stepped forward and sat on the edge of the bed. Zhan hanjue's hand was on her shoulder.

Clearly, he can make a little effort to make her not so hard. But he was like a huge stone, sitting there motionless.

But that pair of enchanting eyes, but meaningful gaze at Yan Zhengling's face.

Yan Zhengling's hand circled his waist and put it on his waist eye.

I thought he would make some effort, so I only made a little effort for the first time, only to find that Zhan didn't leave the bed at all.

Yan Zhengling was a little embarrassed, and his eyes looked at Zhan hanjue's face with some panic. As a result, it met with Zhan hanjue's bantering eyes. Then he heard his lazy voice, "such a thin nurse, I don't think it's suitable to take care of me."

Guan Xiao said, "yes, I'll change it right away."

Yan Zhengling clenched his teeth, exhausted his strength, picked up Zhan hanjue, and then carefully put him into the wheelchair.

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