When Yan Zhengling came out in a black dress, Zhan hanjue's eyes fell on her and could not move away.

Graceful and graceful.

It's elegant and delicate.

This made him unable to equate her with losihan any more. She is just like Yan Zhengling who came out of the old days. Her eyes are flowing and she looks forward to her life, which is the same as that of that year.

But the blue mask on her face is out of place with her elegance.

"You don't have to wear black." Zhan hanjue said suddenly.

He was dressed in black just to honor his dead parents.

But she had absolutely no reason to pay homage to her murderer.

Yan Zhengling's smile curved his eyes. "I'll wear the same as you."

Three cute treasure around the table, is enjoying breakfast with relish. Suddenly hearing Yan Zhengling's words, Tong Bao and Han Bao suddenly lose their knives.

I look like I have no appetite.

"Whatever, auntie, why haven't you left yet?" Tong Bao is not a good friend.

Yan Zhengling took out the title book from behind like a magic trick, and then walked to Tong Bao with a brisk pace.

"Please check it, Miss Tong Bao."

When she saw that all the answers were almost the same as the standard answers, Tong Bao looked at daddy angrily and said, "Daddy, why do you want to help her?"

Yan Zhengling took a breath in his heart and wondered how Tong Bao knew that brother Jue had helped her?

Looking at Zhan hanjue, I was glad that Xin Kui gave brother Jue a preventive injection yesterday, and told him to stand on the United Front with her.

Unexpectedly, Zhan hanjue blurted out, "there are six questions that she did by herself."

Tong Bao immediately despised Yan Zhengling, "I knew you would cheat."

Yan Zhengling gaped... Looking at Zhan hanjue in disbelief, "president, we agreed not to tell the children?"

"I didn't promise you," he said

Yan Zhengling swallowed.

She was so defensive that she didn't stop this guy's brain hole.

Tong Bao raised a proud smile, "whatever teacher, you lost the bet between us. Please make a travel promise now. "

Yan Zhengling looks at Han hanjue bitterly and bitterly. He thought he would ask for a favor for her, but he looks at his mobile phone and turns a deaf ear to Tong Bao's words.

Tong Bao and Han Bao are gloating at her“ Take your time

"President..." Yan Zhengling pouted her little mouth, and she was always unwilling to believe that Zhan hanjue was so "unkind to her"!

"I'm willing to accept defeat." Zhan hanjue raised his eyes and said faintly.

Yan Zhengling fully realized the reality, and it was impossible for Zhan hanjue to plead for her.

Simply began to cheat, "I will not go."

Tong Baoxing eyes wide open, "you play to depend on?"

Yan Zhengling said, "I didn't cheat. I won't be your tutor at most. But I'm still your daddy's nurse. "

Tong Bao is very angry, "Daddy, you see, whatever Auntie says, she doesn't deserve to be your nurse."

Zhan hanjue's eyes turned to Yan Zhengling, but Yan Zhengling's eyes deliberately shifted to the other side, like "I don't listen, I don't listen".

Zhan hanjue smiles at the bottom of his eyes.

Before he could make a decision, Yan Zhengling went outside. "The flowers in the garden have withered. I'll go and water them."

Tong Bao cried angrily, "whatever auntie, my father hasn't said how to punish you?"

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