Zhan Fengxian was stunned and exclaimed discontentedly: "Hello, Miss nurse, this is my home, not your home. Please pay a little attention to your image. Is that ok? "

"I gave you such a good figure and such a good face for nothing. If you don't, how can my brother be so cruel to you? "

Yan Zhengling lifted his head from the sofa, his eyes were sad, his face was wet with tears, and he had a very hurt expression, "why doesn't your brother like me?"

The Impatiens rolled her eyes and said, "if you are any other man, you can't stand your wonderful personality. It's not feminine at all. "

"Feminine?" Yan Zhengling sat upright and asked modestly, "what is feminine?"

"It's women's self-cultivation." Zhan Fengxian said and demonstrated, "speak with a sweet voice, walk slowly, have a soft waist, and don't be too strong - no man will like a woman who grabs his limelight."

Yan Zhengling has goose bumps.

Zhan Fengxian saw that she was not on the road, and immediately gave up to save her“ Why should I teach you this when I'm not related to you? "

At this time, the rain is small, the wind stopped, there is a ray of dawn through the screen.

Zhan Fengxian asked Yan Zhengling, "girl, you can go."

Yan Zhengling called softly, "Impatiens, it's me."

The sound restored the fireworks of luoshihan.

The battle Impatiens hears this familiar voice and stares at her.

"You are..."

Yan Zhengling opened his mask and said, "it's me, your soul mate Luo Shihan."

The Impatiens were numb.

It took a long time for the Impatiens to recover from their fear. Cheering with joy, "sister-in-law, have you changed back to your own appearance?"

Yan Zhengling was in a gloomy mood and said: "what's the matter with the change? Your brother is still..."

Thinking of his sufferings in the past two years and not being recognized and cherished by Zhan hanjue, Yan Zhengling could not help but shed tears again.

Impatiens took out a paper towel and gave her tears.

"Sister Zhengling, I'm so sorry. I did that to you before." The Impatiens was a little embarrassed.

"Those who don't know are innocent."

"Do you know my brother or not?" Asked the impatiens.

When he mentioned this, Yan Zhengling cried even more, "he recognized me clearly. But I have not been willing to recognize. What do you mean by him? "

The Impatiens grabbed her hair and said in shame, "Khan, my brother's city hall, it's eighteen bends on the mountain road. You ask me, I can never understand him. But... "

Impatiens mind, such as a light split, "he does not recognize with you, then you take the initiative to recognize with him ah."

Yan Zhengling's face was terrified. "When he was in the hospital, he saw me and burst into thunder. I dare not recognize him, for fear that he will remember my mistake of leaving without saying goodbye and punish me severely. "

Yan Zhengling said, "if he wants to beat me or scold me, I'm afraid he won't want me. I didn't expect to be afraid of anything

Feng Xian said, "what are you going to do next?"

Yan Zhengling looked at the Impatiens pitifully, "I have nowhere to go. Can you take me in?"

"Of course. I've been in a bad mood recently. You've come just in time to help me out. "

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