Impatiens truly conveyed her mother's sinister intentions to Zhan hanjue.

After Zhan hanjue saw the SMS, he didn't come back for a long time.

Tender and compassionate mother wants to die? Do you really love your daughter or have ulterior motives?

He felt that there was a pair of invisible hands behind him, manipulating everyone. His final goal was to pull Zheng Ling to hell.

The trial is just around the corner.

Zhan hanjue is walking on thin ice.

Because it was Zheng Ling, he could not allow himself to make any mistakes.

After careful consideration, Zhou Xiang calculated.

At last, he decided to play another trump card.

Zhan hanjue calls Guan Xiao. "Who is Tian tannong's lawyer?" he asked

Guan Xiao said: "the Tian family spent a lot of money on Wang Chong, the gold medal lawyer of the imperial capital. Our lawyer is not inferior to him. He is an experienced lawyer

However, Zhan hanjue said, "Zheng Ling's lawyer must be a person who can completely crush any elite lawyer in the imperial capital. Zhang Zhun and Wang Chong have the same strength. "

"Who are you going to invite?" Guan Xiaozhang and Zhang Zhun are two of the most famous people in the industry. They are Wang Chong and Zhang Zhun?

"Ye Feng." Zhan hanjue said.

Guan Xiao hasn't recovered for a long time.

"President, he's still abroad."

"Take him back in a private jet overnight."

Guan Xiao nodded, "yes."

I always feel that the president is overqualified and obviously has already found someone to answer the charges. This is a safe plan. But the president started double insurance.

Sure enough, when it comes to his wife, the president is a bit abnormal.

Finally ushered in the day of Zhengling trial.

Early in the morning. Zhanjia's motorcade drove to the court.

In the front row is the Rolls Royce of Han hanjue, followed by the long Lincoln of Zhan tingye. Impatiens' BMW followed.

The last one is the lawyer invited by the strategists.

There is a sea of people at the gate of the court.

The reporter held up the camera and kept flashing magnesium lights at the intersection.

The fierce wind overflowed from the bottom of the eyes and clenched the fists“ We were given a press conference in advance. President, this is the first time you've been in public since you hurt your legs. I'm afraid the reporter's question will be very tricky. "

Zhan hanjue had the air of covering up his troops with water and land, saying, "well."

The strong wind gets off the car first, and then goes to the back to open the door for Zhan hanjue. The wheelchair slid down the temporary ramp.

The reporter's camera immediately turned to Zhan hanjue's face, and they asked in all sorts of words:

"Zhan Shao, can't your legs stand up any more?"

"Zhan Shao, I heard that your legs were disabled, so I left all the posts in Zhan's group. Did you ask for this on your own initiative or was it abandoned by Zhan's ruthlessness? "

"Zhan ye, you can't move now. Will you step down as the CEO of Huanya in the near future?"

Such a sensitive question, if a little-known reporter, naturally dare not ask.

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