all is quiet in the dead of night.

Yan Zhengling lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

During the day, what her grandfather said to her made her fall into entanglement and contradiction.

Grandfather hoped that she would abandon her personal enmity, accept Cui Anru's family and strengthen the lintel of Yan's family. Of course, he has a good mind.

But her mind is not open enough. She hates Cui Anru for robbing her father and leaving her mother alone in middle age.

She also hated Yan Xiaoru and liked Zhan hanjue. Subconsciously, she always thinks that Zhan hanjue is her. It's shameful for Yan Xiaoru to covet her brother-in-law.

She can't accept them without any stigma at all.

"Ah." A sigh came from the night.

When Yan Zhengling heard this sigh, he got up and sat down.

She took out her ear to make sure she had heard it right. There was a sigh outside the window.

Who would it be?

Yan Zhengling walked barefoot to the window. When he opened the window, he saw a black silk tied to the lattice of the window and the tree trunk on the opposite side, while Yu Chengqian leaned on the black silk, with his arms resting on the back of his head and knocking his legs leisurely.

At the sight of Yan Zhengling, Yu Chengqian sat up, his figure flashed, and he grabbed the window and entered.

In the dim moonlight, Yan Zhengling looked at the man standing against the light. He was as beautiful as the lower world of the gods.

But Yan Zhengling couldn't be crazy about such a beautiful God.

She was very speechless and said, "what are you doing in the middle of the night?"

"I miss you." Yu Chengqian said with a smile.

Yan Zhengling was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth for a long time.

What does this guy want her to do at night?

Yu Chengqian bypasses Yan Zhengling and strides to the bedside. Without the owner's permission, he began to take off his shoes.

"Stop it." Yan Zhengling lowered his voice, but roared angrily.

Yu Chengqian raised his eyes and looked at her, with an injured expression in his beautiful pupil.

"I'll sleep with you tonight." He's overbearing.

Yan Zhengling slapped himself on his forehead and looked up at the sky and sighed, "God, where are you from?"

Yu Chengqian frowned, "I'm a person with higher education in the new era. How can you say I'm a living fossil?"

Yan Zhengling said, "your understanding of both sexes is still based on the most primitive desire to sell. What's the difference between this and the mating of lower animals?"

Yu Chengqian

Yan Zhengling said, "we are higher animals. Do you know the difference between higher animals and other lower animals?"

"Tell me." Yu Chengqian looks like a teacher.

"Higher animals have brains and know how to control their desires." Yan Zhengling said.

Yu Chengqian snorted coldly, "there's so much nonsense. I don't want to sleep with you."

Yan Zhengling gave him a white look, "if you don't want a face, I still want a face. You get out of here right now. "

But Yu Chengqian took off his coat and lay on her bed, "I won't go."

Yan Zhengling

"I call you ancestor, I beg you to get out of here. When I'm discovered, my honor is ruined. " Yan Zhengling lowered his airway in a low voice.

Yu Chengqian's second eldest brother seemed to be lying on the bed and said, "don't worry, even if you have a bad reputation, I don't care."

Yan Zhengling rolled his eyes.

"How do you want to go?"

Yu Chengqian glanced at Yan Zhengling, "serve me well. I'll leave when I'm done

Yan Zhengling's face turned green in an instant. Yu suddenly picked up the pillow, "I'm afraid of you."

Then he came to Mengbao's room next door with a pillow.

Yan Zhengling takes Hanbao to Zhan Su's bed, while he occupies his son's bed.

Zhan Su wakes up and asks Mommy: "Mommy, why don't you sleep in your room?"

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