When they came home from school, the first time they went to Mommy's room to report their safety. But when they came to mummy's room, they didn't see mummy. Instead, they saw Yan Xiaoru packing her luggage in the bedroom.

Zhan Su's face was cold for a moment“ Why are you in my mommy's room? " Zhan Su asked coldly.

Yan Xiaoru glanced at the three children at the door and said, "this room belongs to me. Your mom's room has been moved to the top floor."

"Why?" Han Baoqi asked.

When Yan Xiaoru came to the door, she saw Su Su and Han Bao's face, which was very similar to that of Han Han Jue. For a moment, she was confused and said, "because I'm the real miss of Yan family. Your mommy doesn't deserve to live in this room. "

Yan Xiaoru always feels that eight year old children are not aggressive, and even telling them the truth will not bring trouble.

But she didn't know that there was a huge gap between people.

In particular, the three children in Zhan hanjue's family are hard to resist, let alone three.

Tong Bao, like her, said bitterly, "you, Miss Yan, are ashamed to have a baby for my grandfather."

Angered, Yan Xiaoru raises her hand to beat Tong Bao, but is kicked away by Han Bao. Yan Xiaoru stumbles to the ground.

Yan Xiaoru doesn't believe that she can't fight the three children. She gets up, grabs the clothes hanger beside her and swings it at Tong Bao.

Tong Bao was scared to hide behind Han Bao, "brother, help me."

In order to prevent the clothes rack from falling on Tong Bao's back, Han Bao flew up and kicked Yan Xiaoru in the stomach. Yan Xiaoru had a caesarean section wound on her stomach. After being kicked open by Han Bao, the wound suddenly began to bleed.

Han Bao and Tong Bao didn't see much of the world, and they were scared out of their wits.

Zhan Su looked at Yan Xiaoru coldly and said in a cold voice, "you deserve it."

Yan Xiaoru cries out in pain, and soon attracts Cui Anru and Yan Yan.

"What the hell is going on?" Strict see Yan Xiaoru belly of the Cape are dyed red by blood, scared to ask.

Yan Xiaoru pointed to Hanbao and said, "they have done me harm!" Her face was pale, her fingers trembled, and she looked very helpless.

On the other hand, Zhan Su, who protected Han Bao and Tong Bao behind him, had a cold face.

Strictly dare not embarrass the descendants of the warring family, can only shout at Cui Anru“ Why don't you call Yan Zhengling over and let her take care of her children? "

Cui Anru is so angry that she slaps Zhan Su in the face. This slap is unexpected and makes Han Bao not react.

"How dare you hit me?" Zhan Su stares at Yingtong, his eyes are as sharp as an eagle, and cuts Cui Anru.

Cui an Ru was frightened by Su Su's fierce and icy eyes. She was surprised. She didn't expect that Su Su's eyes were so terrible when she was young.

"I'll hit you, you child have no tutor."

"Pa --"

Yan Zhengling doesn't know when he appears at the door. When he hears Cui Anru insulting his son, he raises his hand and slaps her in the face.

Cui an Ru covers the hot face, "Yan Zheng Ling, you hit me unexpectedly?"

Yan Zhengling's pupil is as dark as the sea, with a cool light“ Aunt Cui, you can insult me, but you can't insult my child, let alone beat him, especially my family. "

Because of his autism, Yan Zhengling has been taking good care of him.

Cui Anru has made a taboo.

Cui Anru was beaten by Yan Zhengling, and he felt a little shameless. Turn head to rush into strict bosom, cry heartbroken.

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