Cui Anru's "hahaha" smirk twice, "Miss, if you and Zhan Shao haven't divorced, we Yan family will be embarrassed to think about your money. But now that you are divorced, living in our Yan Family's house and eating our Yan Family's rice, do you still think that you and we are two families? "

"Bandit logic." Yan Zhengling said sullenly.

But Cui Anru said more and more, "am I wrong? Now you come back to Yan's home with your children, you should take Yan's home as your own. Face the current difficulties with the Yan family. Master, do you think I'm right? "

He fell into silence.

For a moment, all the people in the second room in the lobby look at Yan Zhengling angrily, as if they regard her as a public enemy.

At this time, a few low sounding sirens came from outside the gate, which broke the atmosphere of the room.

Tan Xiaoyu got up and went out to meet the guests.

Before long, Ye Feng pushed Zhan hanjue in.

Behind them were two women in Cook's clothes.

Cui Anru saw the cook, and her eyes immediately burst out with surprise.

"Oh, our Yan family is worried that there is no one to cook? Zhan Shao sent us cooks. It's a timely help. "

"They only serve my children," he said

Cui Anru was dumbfounded.

Yan Zhengling glanced at the clock on the wall and reminded Cui Anru: "aunt Cui, it's your turn to cook."

Cui Anru said reluctantly, "there are so many people in the family. Why should I serve you all by myself?"

Zhan hanjue's eagle pupil freezes. Can he remember Zheng Ling's painstaking efforts to make dinner for the family.

"My child, you are not qualified to serve." Zhan hanjue said.

Cui Anru's eyes moved to Yan Zhengling, "those married daughters, even if they were divorced by their husband's family, had no reason to return to their mother's home. I can't serve people whose names are not right and whose words are not right. "

Yan Zhengling's face was blue and white, and his little fist was clenched in his sleeve.

Zhan hanjue looks at Zheng Ling and trembles with anger when he sees her small body. He has the heart to kill Cui Anru.

He did not dream to do, he held in the palm of the baby, but in Yancheng live such a humiliating life.

"Cui Anru!"

Cui Anru was arrogant for only a second, and he heard the voice of death of Zhan hanjue.

"In front of my children, despise their mother, you want to pay what price." Zhan hanjue said.

Cui Anru finds out that the three children stare at her fiercely.

Tong Bao yells at Cui Anru, "you old witch, you always bully my mommy."

Tong Bao turns around and complains with Daddy, "Daddy, they just joined hands to force mommy to hand over the alimony you gave us."

Han Bao also said angrily: "mommy has given them a lot, they are not satisfied, and they want to blow up all the money on mommy."

Now Yan Zhengling is not calm.

If he knew that she was spending his money away from her children, his trust in her would be greatly reduced.

Cui Anru is more uneasy. Zhan Shao knows that she is coveting his money——

Zhan hanjue opened his lips and teeth, and squeezed out a few words from his teeth: "the heart is not enough, the snake swallows the elephant."

Yan Zhengling quickly explained to Zhan hanjue: "Zhan ye, even if I embezzle this part of money, I will try to make it up in the future. You can rest assured that I will never use the child's alimony. "

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