Seeing that Cui an Ru did not leave, Tong Bao said, "Granny Cui, you are the one who is driving to sell the house, and you are the one who does not leave. Don't you think you can still live here after you sell your house? There is no such good thing in the world. Even if there is such a good thing, it will not fall on such a calculating person as you. Because there is a saying that success will only come to those who work hard. "

Cui Anru looks very ugly.

She planned to sell Yan's courtyard, but she didn't get the money yet. How could she go now?

Cui Anru's calculating eyes turned to strict, "master, since the house has sold 50 billion yuan, half of the total score of so much money will be given to our second room?"

Yan Xiaoru and Yan Xiao's face immediately showed a happy color, looking up at strict.

"Strict way:" this money, nature cannot do without your two rooms

Yan Zhengling looked at her mother. She lifted her lips several times. She seemed to have something to say, but she finally held back.

Zheng Ling can see that his mother is still very dissatisfied with his father's behavior. It's just that I've been used to obeying my father all my life. Even if I have any objection in my heart, I won't show it strongly.

Zheng Ling sighs weakly.

Father side of the two women, the mother of love, money as dirt. Cui an, however, is a man of great interest and of great care. Two people with complementary personalities live together. Cui Anru's strength and his mother's forbearance fit seamlessly.

In the long run, Cui Anru's greed has intensified. And the mother retreated to the point of almost flinching.

Zheng Ling, like her mother, put emotion above money. But she is different from her mother. She is proud and can not be wronged.

Zheng Ling stood up and said, "Dad, aunt Cui, you seem to have forgotten. My mother has nothing to do with the Yan family. She divorced her father. The house is written with her name, so the house money should belong to her alone. My mom's the one with the money. Whether or not to give it to you depends on her mood. "

Cui an Ru chuckled and did not pay any attention to Zheng Ling's words.

Yan Zhengling was still surprised. Where did the woman get the confidence that she would get the money?

But did not expect, Yan mother suddenly weak way: "according to an Ru said to do, this money, we big room two rooms each half."

Yan Zhengling looked at Yan's mother in disbelief

Yan's mother sighed, "this money is not a good thing either. I'm more confident when I give it away."

Cui an Ru immediately overjoyed, "I knew Xiuqin elder sister is a knowledgeable person."

Yan Zhengling had a black face and was very unhappy.

The money for selling the house ends with Yan Mu's concession.

But a wave is not flat, a wave again!

After Cui Anru got half of the house money, her two children quarreled immediately.

Yan Xiaoru said to Cui Anru, "Mom, how are you going to give the money to my brother and me?"

Yan Zhengling shook his head. It is true that like mother, like daughter.

"Of course, it's for your brother to start a business," Cui said

Yan Xiaoru on the spot coquettishly stamped, "can't give him all?"

Cui Anru understood her daughter's mind and comforted her: "Xiaoru, of course, you're in it. But my mother thought, sooner or later, do you want to get married? Women mainly rely on men for the rest of their lives, so my mother will prepare a rich dowry for you. "

Yan Xiao immediately smiles.

Yan Xiaoru is quite curious about the rich dowry, "Mom, how much dowry are you going to give me?"

Cui Anru is immersed in great joy. When her daughter asks, she blurts out, "one hundred million."

Yan Xiaoru seems to be struck by thunder and is stupid.

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