Yan Xiaoru said with tears: "Dad, please forgive me. I don't want to live such a humble life any more. In Yan's family, I can't find my sense of existence. It doesn't matter if you don't want to recognize me. I will live for myself in the future

Zhan tingye tells the driver, "drive."

The luxurious car took Yan Xiaoru away.

Cui Anru cried to death, "my daughter, how can you be so cruel?"

"You still have the face to cry. Isn't it all made by you?"

Cui Anru turns into a choking of shame.

When they came into the room, master Yan did not know when he had gone downstairs and sat on the sofa with a gloomy face.

"Are you happy with this The old master asked crossly.

A room full of people dare not speak.

The old man said, "I'm old. I can't live long. You've sold all the ancestral houses of the Yan Family and ruined all the property of the Yan family. It's all right. I'm in the coffin and I don't care. "

Strictly ashamed to bow his head, "Dad, it's useless for sons."

The old man hated the iron but said: "if you know you are useless, you should step down and let the capable descendants go up."

Eyes turned to Yan Zhengling and Yan Xiao, "who are you two willing to take over Yan's business?"

Yan Xiao looks embarrassed. He has heard that Huanya has punished Yan in an all-round way. Yan can't use Huanya's patented technology. If it goes on like this, where is Yan's hope for a comeback?

At this time, there is no other possibility to take over Yan's family except to lose money.

Yan xiaomingzhe said: "grandfather, as you know, my Yan Family's name is not right, and I don't have prestige when I go to the company. It's better not to make trouble! "

The old master's eyes shifted to Yan Zhengling“ Zheng Ling, don't you want to

Yan Zhengling looked at her grandfather's expectant eyes. He knew that he had high hopes for her.

Because she is the successor of her grandfather.

Yan Zhengling nodded heavily.

The old man was relieved.

However, in order to let Zheng Ling show her strength, the old man paved the way for her.

"Well, from today on, you will take care of Yan. However, you are responsible for your own profits and losses. "

As soon as the old master announced the news, Cui Anru was relieved.

Yan's bankruptcy has nothing to do with her ever since.

Yan Zhengling was like a mountain, and he felt like Alexander in an instant. But still stubborn nod: "I know."

In this way, after a series of changes, the Yan family finally ushered in a new era.

This is the age of Yan Zhengling.

Yan Zhengling restored the position of CEO and held several positions, which made Yan's company prosperous three times in succession.

This first fire is to quickly unlock the situation of Yan's shutdown.

Yan's products rely on Huanya's patented technology.

Only by obtaining the patent technology license of Huanya, Yan can operate normally.

For the sake of the company, Yan Zhengling decided to go to Huanya in person to discuss the patent renewal contract with Huanya.

For the sake of smooth negotiation, Yan Zhengling added several overnight classes and made a lot of preparations.

Even, in order to give people a clean business image of a strong woman, Yan Zhengling cut his beautiful curly black hair into short shawl hair.

It is to take off the dress of gentle but person, change the white shirt of profession and black bag buttock skirt.

She looks very smart like this.

On Monday morning, she arrived at Huanya on time.

Guan Xiao was surprised to see Yan Zhengling.

What's more surprising is that this delicate young lady, who usually has eyes on the back of her head, is smiling at him like a spring breeze.

Well, it seems that we have something to ask of him?

But how dare he decide her business?

Guan Xiao quickly takes out his mobile phone and sends a text message to Ye Feng“ Let the president come to the company

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