Yan Zhengling deliberately made the shackles jingle, but the old lady didn't hear it. She just focused on feeling her pulse.

Yan Zhengling immediately decided that this doctor was a doctor who helped tyranny and had no medical ethics.

His attitude towards the old lady was unfriendly. He deliberately made trouble for her. "Doctor, don't you use your right hand to feel the pulse? How do you use your left hand? "

She doesn't know Chinese medicine at all. She's just looking for fault.

The doctor looked at her and laughed kindly“ The girl's eyes are bright and bright. She doesn't look like a psychopath

Yan Zhengling's fierce eyes immediately turned to Zhan hanjue.

Zhan hanjue's face is like an ice sculpture. Yan Zhengling throws his anger at Ye Feng.

It turned out that the two groups cheated the old lady that she was a psychopath. No wonder the old lady didn't respond to her experience.

The old lady finished her pulse and glanced at Yan Zhengling with a sympathetic and weak look. Then she got up and went to Zhan hanjue.

"Zhan Shao, let's go out and talk."

Seeing the old lady's dignified look, Zhan hanjue was worried.

When they moved to the lobby, the old lady said with regret, "she's pregnant."

Zhan hanjue is as heavy as thunder and as petrified as carving.

I thought it was the girl who was fooling around, but I didn't expect it was true?

At the moment, he's really mixed up.

Joy, sorrow, concern, uneasiness

Zheng Ling is pregnant at this time. It's really not the right time.

The old lady's eyes were obscure. "I see the pulse of this girl's pregnancy. The pregnancy time is about ten days. If Zhan Shao wants her to have a miscarriage, the damage to her body will be minimal at this time... "

Zhan hanjue remembered that more than ten days ago, he and Zhengling were in the office... Secretly annoyed.

He clearly can refuse her, why let her fool around?

"I see. Ye Feng, seeing off the guests. "


After Ye Feng sent the old doctor away, Zhan hanjue was in a mess.

This child is the crystallization of his love for Zheng Ling.

Zheng Ling is pregnant at this time. Maybe it's the chance given by heaven that he can make up for her and the past regret.

But, dare he?

The time bomb hung over his head, making him confused.

He sat outside for a long time, a long time

Then push the wheelchair to the bedroom.

Zheng Ling had fallen asleep, and her white face was so thin that it was covered with a slap. Jianshui autumn pupil is still filled with fog.

Zhan hanjue carefully covered the quilt for her, for fear of waking her up, so he looked at her carefully.

Her eyes have depicted her tender and affectionate eyebrows.

She suddenly flattened her mouth and cried out: "brother Jue."

Then her brows began to frown at the sound.

Zhan hanjue knew that when she thought of him in her dream, she was no longer as heartless as before.

It hurts to think of him.

"Zheng Ling, I'm sorry." He said in silence.

He finally did not resist, in her forehead gently imprinted his own kiss mark.

Then he untied her and put her hands in a comfortable position. He left reluctantly.

Back to the study, sitting in front of the computer, my mind began to ring old Chinese medicine words.

At this time, abortion has the least impact on the health of pregnant women.

But as long as he thought that it was the child of him and Zhengling, he would not give up.

Finally, he quietly turned on the computer, google about pregnancy and childbirth. Then I went to many pregnant and infant online stores and bought a lot of daily necessities for pregnant women and babies.

That night, he was both nervous and excited.

Under the control of that kind of contradictory emotion, he seemed to be in the sea, wandering in the direction of no return.

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