"Are you trying to sell to the working people?"

Yan Zhengling

"Shouldn't this scheme be shown to us who are in charge of Yan's life and death?" Zhan hanjue asked quietly.

Yan Zhengling was speechless.

Zhan hanjue glanced at her faintly, saw her face was frustrated, and realized that her desire to win or lose was too bullying.

So conscience, a turn: "I heard that you are looking for the exit during the day?"

He was also afraid that she would be bored.

Yan Zhengling wanted to escape during the day. But later on, the reason why she wanted to go out was not to go out and sell Yan's products.

Instead of running errands everywhere to ask for help, it's better to keep the gold owner here... Pestering Zhan hanjue every day to push Yan's products to him. He annoys her, either letting her out or accepting her promotion.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Yan Zhengling took up his bad plan and tore it to pieces.

Since Jin Zhuzhan and Han Jue despise her plan at all, it has no value at all.

"What are you doing?" Zhan hanjue frowned.

Yan Zhengling said: "you are right. The audience of my plan is mainly you big capitalists who eat people and don't spit bones. Naturally, you can't be so stingy. I think again

She suddenly grinned, revealing a row of neat white rabbit teeth.

How can Zhan hanjue give up her hard work? "Why bother? I'm right in front of you. Just tell me the plan."

Yan Zhengling's eyes were full of a sly smile, "good."

Zhan hanjue knew that she was given the routine by this girl again.

She was given a chance unconsciously.

"It's very late tonight, tomorrow." He didn't want to disturb his rest.

But when he turned the wheelchair, a small hand was stubbornly pulling his wheelchair. Then he heard her naughty voice, "Zhan ye, you are very busy during the day, I can't see you. How about now? "

Zhan hanjue's eyes overflowed with soft warmth.

Didn't he stay with her for half a day?

"I promise I'll make time for you tomorrow. Sleep well tonight. Otherwise, when we report the plan tomorrow, we will not have a clear idea and talk nonsense. Don't blame me for not admitting. "

Yan Zhengling quickly shrinks his hand, falls on the bed, pulls the quilt and lies down obediently.

When Zhan hanjue left, he turned off the wall lamp for her.

Yan Zhengling stares at two pupils and looks at the ceiling. Tomorrow, no matter what, she will give him an amazing plan.

Thinking of tomorrow's crucial moment, she began to conceive the plan in her mind. It wasn't until dawn that I had a rest.

At breakfast, Zhan hanjue saw her big dark eyes, and his eyes were full of worries. Didn't he sleep well last night?

"War lord." Yan Zhengling greets him happily.


He pushed the milk in front of her“ Drink it. "

Yan Zhengling smelled the smell of goat's milk, but his stomach began to stir up again.

She quickly covered her nose. "Can I not drink this?"

Zhan hanjue said, "for the sake of the children in the stomach, you must drink it."

He put Ye Feng's diet notes for pregnant women in front of her and announced: "from today on, you try to eat according to this weight."

Yan Zhengling saw that it said three times a day milk, two meals, and a meal of two bowls of rice... Immediately dumbfounded.

"Are you raising pigs?" Yan Zhengling was very depressed.

Zhan hanjue nodded, "you're right. I want you to gain a more suitable weight during pregnancy."

Yan Zhengling said angrily, "master Zhan, you just give me a few hormone pills every day. I promise you will grow stronger than a pig."

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