Yan Zhengling glared at Zhan hanjue angrily, "what are you doing here?"

Zhan hanjue's shallow eyes fell on her stomach. He was not worried about her strong reaction to pregnancy. Yan Zheng couldn't cope with it, so he rushed to care about her.

But he disguised his emotions perfectly.

Yan Zhengling took his kindness as a donkey's liver and lung, and covered his stomach with guard, "the child in my stomach, please don't care."

He always felt that Zhan hanjue was looking at her stomach with ulterior motives.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just going to the bathroom." Zhan hanjue always found a humorous solution when Yan Zhengling was angry with him.

Yan Zhengling's face instantly became very embarrassed. NIMA, he was so affectionate.

Quickly pull Yan Zheng in a hurry to leave.

Ye Feng pushes Zhan hanjue to the men's room. But Zhan's wheelchair is parked at the corner entrance of the men's toilet.

Because he knows that the president who has a high degree of cleanliness will not solve the problem in the public toilet.

When Yan Zhengling goes far away, Ye Feng leaves this place quickly.

Zhan hanjue didn't know what he suddenly thought of. The eagle pupil was full of profound and unpredictable light. All of a sudden, the order of Ye Feng is gloomy: "catch up with them."

Ye Feng pushes Zhan hanjue to catch up with Yan Zhengling.

When Zhan hanjue passed Yan Zhengling, he suddenly said a few words of moral degradation: "Yan Zhengling, although you have been dumped by me, I said that as long as it is my child, I will be responsible. If you need anything in the future, just talk to me. "

With these words, Zhan hanjue glanced at the petrified Yan Zheng and left leisurely.

Those meager and heartless words seem to be transformed into countless flies buzzing in Yan Zheng's head.

"Yan Zhengling, is what he said true? Did he really dump you? " Yan Zheng became angry and roared at Yan Zhengling.

He thought that the cold war between Zhan hanjue and his sister was just a small quarrel between lovers.

not hurt the important essentials.

However, Zhan hanjue's attitude towards Zheng Ling just now made Yan Zheng realize that their relationship was much worse than he imagined.

Yan Zhengling was hurt unconscious by Han Jue and nodded foolishly.

Yan Zheng said angrily, "this bastard Zhan hanjue has been chasing you for more than ten years. After he cheated you, he abandoned you like my shoes. I... I can't get around him. "

Yan Zheng finish saying, angrily went to find Zhan Han Jue to settle accounts.

In Huatian, the wedding is in full swing.

Yan Xiao and Tian corn stand together, the bridegroom appears immature, but the bride is extremely mature and sophisticated.

At the banquet, people were commenting on the bridegroom and bride.

"The bride is thirty-six and the bridegroom is twenty-four. Is this a big age difference? " Yu Chengqian said.

"Very good." There was a sound of praise without temperature.

"It's war less." Yu Chengqian said with a smile, "since Zhan Shao feels good, why don't he harm those old women. Why do you want to harm the cabbage of Yan family? "

Zhan hanjue stares at Yu Chengqian fiercely.

Of course, he had to leave the cabbage he had worked so hard to raise for himself.

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