Zhan Fengxian was recognized by Luo Shihan and was relieved. But Fengxian also knows how difficult it is for luoshihan to make such a decision, so her mood is also very dignified. She goes to Zhan hanjue and says, "brother, sister-in-law borrows two hundred million from you, you don't agree, you humiliate her in every way - but you know, if you see Hanbao, let alone two hundred million, that is two hundred million, you will take it out obediently."

"Zhan Fengxian, why do you think I am willing to spend 2 billion for this woman's son? Do you know how much I hate her? " The expression on Zhan hanjue's face began to be ferocious.

Zhan Fengxian looked at Zhan hanjue and opened her lips. She was probably exhausted by Zhan hanjue's anger, but her voice was floating. "Would you like to spend 200 million for your own parents and children?"

Zhan hanjue said angrily, "but that's not my son --"

"The child in the hands of the kidnappers now is your own son Hanbao." Battle Impatiens also hysterical roar.

"What nonsense, my son is right in front of me --"

"Han Bao and Su Su are twins." Zhanfeng fairy road.

It seems that Zhan hanjue suddenly realized something. His ferocious expression slowly faded away, and the lion's anger slowly returned to zero. At last, he was left with endless surprise.

"What did you say?"

"I said, Hanbao is your son. Pro, such as fake package change War Impatiens a word a sentence, the word is just and round announce a way.

Zhan hanjue's tall body trembled, and his scarlet pupils showed incredible light. He looked at luoshihan. The restlessness, panic, confusion and helplessness on luoshihan's face immediately surrounded him as if it were an infectious disease.

But Impatiens chattered, "brother, if you love Su Su, please share a share with Han Bao."

Before she finished speaking, she saw Zhan hanjue take out his mobile phone and transfer money to the bandits with shaking hands.

Zhan Fengxian sighed.

Zhan hanjue handed Zhan Fengxian the key to his car and said, "take them home immediately!"

"Where are you going?"

"Save people." Zhan hanjue anxiously unties his tie, takes off his suit coat, throws it to Zhan Fengxian, and then runs to the distance at the speed of 100 meters.

Luo Shihan got up and ran up. Zhan hanjue looked at the embarrassed Luo Shihan and said, "go back. Wait for me His voice was very polite.

"Be careful yourself." Luoshihan stammered.

Zhan hanjue's eyes sank, and he was very unhappy. "How many kidnappers are you afraid of?"

Luo Shihan's long eyelashes droop. She didn't mean to despise him, but it was always a dangerous thing to fight with the bandits. She just wanted their father and son to come back safely.

After Zhan hanjue left, Zhan Fengxian pulled luoshihan to the car.

Zhan Fengxian was very guilty and said, "Shihan, I'm sorry. I'll tell my brother the truth. Don't you hate me?"

Luo Shihan's hair was messy and his eyes were red with tears. He was angry and said, "Impatiens, how can I blame you. In fact, if you don't, I will. As long as Hanbao returns safely, it doesn't matter if I lose him. "

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