When he left, how unwilling should he be?

"Guan Xiao, get up."

Guan Xiao stands up.

Yan Zhengling said, "tell me, what are his wishes?"

Guan Xiao said, "he wants to annex the major groups, create the monopoly giant Huanya Empire, and personally give it to you. But later, because of your words, he changed his mind and ran aground of the plan. All the information about this effort is locked in the president's office. He said, "it's up to you to decide whether to do it or not."

Yan Zhengling asked, "why did he change his mind?"

Guan Xiao said: "you asked him to do good for his children. He didn't care about such feudal superstition, but after your child induced labor, he ran aground of this plan. He said, "let him do good deeds and pray for you."

Yan Zhengling nodded and burst into tears.

Before long, Yu Chengqian came to the hospital.

Guan Xiao looks at Yu Chengqian's expression, especially obscure.

Perhaps out of grace and politeness, Guan Xiao and Impatiens retreated to the door of the ward.

But Yan Zheng stares at Yu Chengqian bitterly, "Why are you here again? I told you, my sister, she won't marry you. "

Yu Chengqian sighed lonely.

He has already investigated, he and Yan Zhengling are really cousins.

Although he likes Yan Zhengling very much, he hasn't been abnormal enough to accept the marriage of close relatives.

"I won't force her to marry me. I just want to see her today. "

Yu Chengqian looked at Zheng Ling, whose sorrow was no greater than his heart's death. "Zheng Ling, people can't come back to life after death. You have to mourn." It's very euphemistic.

Yan Zhengling's loneliness and pain are all written on his face.

When Yu Chengqian saw her like this, his heart was full of mixed feelings.

He simply thought that after the death of Han Jue, Yan Zhengling's love for him would end.

I never thought that his death would bring her such a heavy blow.

I don't know. If Yan Zhengling knew that he was the culprit of Han Jue's death, how would he hate him?

"Zheng Ling, if..." Yu Chengqian was not reconciled, so he let go of the woman he fell in love with at first sight.

"If I say I'm going to take you. Would you like to Yu Chengqian had the courage to ask.

Yan Zhengling shook his head. "The tourmaline is gone. It can be rebuilt. When he's gone, I'll wait for him. Maybe his soul will come back. "

Just like her.

Yu Chengqian said, "if you wait a long time. He didn't even show up? "

"Then I'll go to him." She said stupidly.

Yu Chengqian was slightly surprised.

"Why are you doing this?"

Lonely sigh, Yu Chengqian some helpless way, "Zheng Ling, I have found the person I want to find. So I'm leaving. Are you sure you really don't want to go with me? "

He shook his head stubbornly.

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