Yan Zheng said: "Zhan Zitong. You can call her Tong Bao. "


After they left each other a phone call, Zhan left.

Yan Zheng vomited a tone, is very displeased way: "clearly should be you beg me, why feel like I beg you?"

After finishing the work, Yan Zheng came to calendar garden to report to Yan Zhengling.

As it happens, Tong Bao is also there.

When Yan Zheng saw Tong Bao, he was immediately complacent and said, "Tong Bao, my uncle has found you a piano trainer to accompany you. I promise you will like him very much after you see him."

After three years, Tong Bao has grown from a glutinous rice ball to a slim girl. The eyebrows and eyes are picturesque, and the autumn pupils are like mountains and rivers. In the world, the beauty is profound. White legs, wearing small white shoes, both mature charm, without losing the girl's innocence.

Hearing that Yan Zheng had found a piano trainer for himself, Tong Bao immediately protested: "I don't need a piano trainer. I just want brother Ye Feng to practice with me."

Yan Zhengling seemed to have some understanding and asked with deep meaning: "does he agree to be a trainer for Tong Bao?"

Yan Zheng is very proud, "have I come out, still can't subdue him?"

Yan Zhengling is very happy.

She pulls Tong Bao aside and patiently does her ideological work“ Tong Bao, your piano trainer, he has old head disease and amnesia, you must not stimulate him. So be good in front of him. "

Tong Bao said perfunctorily, "I know."

After all, Yan Zhengling wants to leave the surprise to Tong Bao.

The next day.

According to the address given by Yan Zheng, Zhan hanjue arrived at the imperial capital on time.

On the way back to Haitian villa from the calendar garden, Ye Feng has been teaching Tong baozun: "after meeting the piano teacher, you should be polite to her. If he is thirsty, bring him water. If he accidentally plays wrong, you pretend not to find it

Tong Bao wondered, "isn't he just a piano trainer? Why are you so nervous? Mommy doesn't allow me to stimulate him. Brother Ye Feng, you don't allow me to embarrass him. Is he a big man more vulnerable than a porcelain doll? "

Ye Feng said: "you have no opinion about other people. But to him, you have to be nice to him. Because he deserves to be treated well by everyone. "

Feeling that Ye Feng, who dotes on himself, is attentive to the apprentice she has never met, Tong Bao is jealous and unhappy. "I don't know."

When he got off the bus, Tong Bao was deliberately procrastinating.

Ye Feng face some serious way: "you have been late, he does not like late children."

Tong Bao began to go crazy, "who is he? Why do you force me to be nice to him? Brother Ye Feng, you said that you would not force me to do things I don't like, but now you are forcing me to do things I don't like. "

"I don't need a piano trainer. You've got to give it to me. He also made a lot of rules for me. I hate that piano teacher. "

Zhan hanjue leans lazily on the door of the villa. Seeing that Tong Bao's resistance to him is so strong, Zhan hanjue's eyes darken.

Ye Feng takes Tong Bao's hand and goes inside quickly.

When he saw Zhan hanjue, Ye Feng was very excited.

But has long been the hospital and the president's advice, must not stimulate the adoptive father's mood, so Ye Feng try to make himself calm as water.

"Teacher, you'll have Tong Bao."

Zhan hanjue's eyes fell on Tong Bao's face, slightly stunned.

He had never seen such a beautiful child before. She really had the capital to be proud.

When Tong Bao saw Zhan hanjue, he had been petrified for a long time.

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