Siren Song

11 Oh it feels so good II Clouded coffee

Meanwhile at the table, Justin patiently waited a few minutes before he asked," What's his name?"

"Liang Jian Amal"

"That's an unusual name, what's with that?"

"His father's Chinese, mother comes from a different country, Amal was her input into his name."

"What happened between you two? What made you come to LA? Your mom lives in Sf right, why wouldn't you go back to where you're from?"

"I was just a game to him. I was foolish, had too much to drink at an outing for my last job, and agreed to a stupid proposal from him.. Maybe i was just charmed by the idea of being with a man so perfect.." She started to trail off and mumble. So he cut her off with another question.

"What was his proposal?"

She bit her lips a moment before blurting out, " we got married." Justin was shocked, he'd considered several possibilities, but not that they were married.

" So you're a runaway wife?"

She gave him a wry look pursing her lips. "I'm gonna go powder my face, be back in a sec, will you refresh that while I'm gone?" She pointed a wobbly finger to the drink before tottering away.

Justin regretted his bluntness momentarily and got up to get them both a couple more drinks while racking his brain for more questions to ask. Her answer had momentarily blown his mind.

Chang sat in a stall for a moment trying to collect herself and the world around her that seemed to refuse to stop moving around. She knew she was dangerously drunk, and was tearing open the wound in her heart, but for the first time she found herself wanting to share Jian and her's story. She shook her hands dry as she stepped back out to the floor, because of her blurry vision it took her a second to re-find her table and friend. While she was scanning the room it almost looked like she saw Jian against the wall talking to another man. She shook her head at her overactive imagination and plopped herself back down in the seat. She took a big slug of the drink before plunking it down to the table with a sound Pah!

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