Siren Song

128 Until The End

Li Hua looked small, she had always been a small, slender woman no more than 5 feet tall, but she looked shrunken on the bed, wasted to almost nothing. A week of feeding tubes and drip liquid had withered away her form.

When they had arrived after scanning her mother and hooking her up, the doctor came to her with a look of condolence.

"I'm sorry but the cancer in Mrs. Dumont's brain has been aggressively attacking her brainstem as well as spinal column. I regret to tell you there is nothing we can do except to help ease her passing a little."

"Is she going to be like this the whole time? Will she wake up again?"

"I'm sorry Miss Dumont, but the possibility of that happening is very remote."

Chang started to sob as the doctor answered her questions. A week, maybe two and one of the people she loved most would be gone.

She would never see her smile. Never see her open her eyes. Never again would she hear her voice again or hear the special nickname she called her by, Xiao Xie.

It had almost been Xiao Xing, her little star, her mom had once told her, but once she held her she had been so happy and thankful. Far more than she ever had been before in her life. Li Hua and Hénri decided then to change it to "Xie."

Chang gripped one of her mom's hands gently afraid to apply to much pressure as she looked so fragile. The doctor had told her that even though she was unable to respond, she could still most likely hear her. So until the end she was going to be there every day, she couldn't not be.

Chang had spent every day talking to her, she couldn't bear to leave her alone. It was mostly remiscings from her favorite moments growing up. Her life had been filled with such joy and gladness that it was almost hard to recall, there were many moments that were her favorite.

Dad almost burning the kitchen, mom breaking her head, the time when her mom pranked her dad by switching the sugar with the salt, who then got caught by her own prank having forgotten.

Learning to ride a bike with her dad, taking the bus with her mom as a little girl, learning piano with her mom, singing with her dad, cooking with her mom.

Watching her mom and dance slowly to old romantic songs through the night.

Even the moments that weren't her favorite she shared as she tried to fill the silence.

"Remember you are not the only one who hurts too." Her dad had whispered it to her before she cried and held her mom begging her forgiveness. She didn't even remember why they had even fought that day as it had been something trivial.

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