Siren Song

132 Thank You

Carrying the small urn that carried her mother's ashes Chang went to her Dad's alter.

She placed the two of them together, now that things were like this it didn't seem right for the two of them to be apart. At least not anymore.

Dead eyed, Chang went to the bag she brought from Lahat and pulled out the family picture her mom gave her. Her last gift.

Chang placed the smiling picture in front of the two silver urns, focusing on the living joyous faces instead of the cold metal that contained the remains.

"Why did you both leave me alone already.." She couldn't help but whisper to them, some part of her hoping for an answer, but there never would be one.

Looking at them she mustered up the strength withing herself to pull out the page of words her mom wrote. Her last words.

The words slanted across the page and were almost unreadable due to the shaking, and her loss of movement control. Chang clutched the paper with trembling hands.

"My dearest Xiao Xie I'm so sorry I can't stay with you. Just know your father and I love you very much and we always will, even if we can't be by your side well always be looking out for you.

"Please don't give up now that we're not here with you, be strong my child, and live freely, that was Hénri and I's greatest wish for you. To live freely and proudly, unfettered by shackles around your heart. We never wanted you to have to live a life weighed down by sadness and pain.

"Please don't give up on Liang Jian Amal, I know things don't seem right now, but I believe in him. He truly loves you and you love him, in the end that's all that really matters. If you do move on to someone else, I would still support you, as long as they love you and make you happy.

"Xiao Xie don't stop laughing loudly and freely, don't stop singing like no one listens, and dance to your hearts content. These are beautiful things and you should enjoy them and all of life's wonders.

"I wish I could be here with you longer but I can't, your dad was never really good at waiting, and you inherited that from him. I love you and will always be watching over you. Always.

"Chang you are the most beautiful and wondrous thing to have ever come into our life, thank you for having been our daughter."

Chang crumpled forward and held the small page that was filled with her mother's words.

Chang lay there until the the day became night and started to become light again. Long after she ran out of tears, she continued to lay there on the cold floor.

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