Siren Song

147 A Fresh Star

Stepping back she looked at her reflection and reflected inwardly on herself seeing her dramatically changed outward appearance. Over the last 16 months she had lost a fair amount of weight, and her cheek bones were now pronounced.

Her smile that had once used to come so easily, like breathing was now a practiced affair. Even with daily practice it was only a small polite curving devoid of the sincerity it once held.

Her long curly brown hair was chopped severely into an A-line with the front ends just touching her chin, with one side slightly longer than the others. It had also been straightened with chemicals and dyed a glistening blue- black, illuminating her blue eyes, which while they were familiar it also felt like she stared into another woman's face at times. Someone far colder, and unattached.

Straightening the stiff starched collar on her dark blue button up blouse. She practiced her smile, today was a day she had to practice more than any other.

'Today is just another day, don't expect anything different. What happened last year is not going to happen twice..

'You know more now, you're stronger and wiser than you once were. This year and the ones hereafter will only get easier, just breathe. You can get through this, you've gotten through much worse.' Chang took a deep breath trying to quell the emotions that threatened to rise before meeting her reflection again with a slight smile.

'Happy 25th birthday Chang Xie..'

Once she was in order she slipped on her business jacket and heels and made her way out. Her heels made a loud clicking sound, reverberating through the empty halls of the riverfront condo where she lived alone, before being cut off by the sound of the front door closing.

Driving along the Seine, in the small Citroën C1 she received for her birthday the year before, she made her way to the brick building façade inlaid with the intricate lettering reading Bouleau Argenté.

The silver birch, as it read in English was a private financial lending and investment firm, just one of the many subsidiary companies owned by Dumont Holdings. After her grand-père had discovered her proficiency with numbers, and that she had a rather shrewd eye in marketing, he had recommended that she join one of the financial institutions owned by Dumont or even join as the CFO within the main branch; much to her extended family's displeasure.

As she approached her office, which was separated from the rest, the petite form of her secretary ran up to her with a slightly disturbed look. Anouk Poitier who usually wore a calm demeanor whenever she wasn't smiling, had her lips pressed tight and her brow furrowed as she shot glances at Chang's office.

"What is the matter Anouk?" Anouk Poitier, the daughter of Simon Poitier, her grands-père's aide, was one of the few people she trusted within the business as well as family. Seeing the furtive glances she gave to her office, Chang reasoned someone unpleasant was most likely awaiting her inside.

"Robert Dumont." Leaning closer Anouk Poitier whispered to Chang who's brows likewise furrowed.

"Ah, I see."

'Indeed someone truly unpleasant is in there.' Chang mulled to herself slightly perturbed. "I will handle this matter Anouk, if you wish you may make yourself scarce until I handle the situation, I will call you when I have taken care of the matter."

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