Siren Song

15 All's Well That Ends Well

'Ugh alcohol is evil, never again...' she thought to herself as she tried to get a grip on her nausea. Her throat burned so when she saw a cup of water near her head, she gratefully grabbed it to take a sip . She took the tiniest of sips, but it hit her stomach like a bazooka, causing her to grab onto the toilet again. She moaned as she held.

Just then Justin came in with a bottle of hangover medication liquid.

"Well good morning gorgeous!" He called out brightly upon entering.

Chang turned her head a little to give him a death stare, 'how can someone be so chipper after having drank like a fish the night before, it's just not fair....'

Justin picked up the still almost full glass of water and tried to hand it to Chang, she refused it with a light shake of her head.

"No I don't wanna throw up no more" she sputtered out.

"Just rinse your mouth and drink this, it'll help, but you gotta rinse your mouth out first." Justin peeled the plastic off the top of the little bottle, before popping it open for her. He waited until she swished the water around un her mouth for a minute and spat before he handed it to her. It smelled fruity and when she took a small hesitant sip she found it was amazing, she was about to chug it before Justin put his fingers on the bottom stopping her.

"Woah slow down there cowgirl, you'll make yourself sick again if you chug it." She nodded obediantly and continued to lightly sip it. "Too bad you passed out last night, I would have given you one then it would have helped you a lot sooner. Do you remember what happened last night at the karaoke joint?"

Chang thought about it, slowly fuzzy images started to piece themselves together in her brain. She remembered drinking a lot of alcohol with Justin, then...

"Oh God I got up and sang!"

"Far more than that honey." He replied dryly, "what else do you remember"

"I told you about Jian, then I remember starting to feel really sick and you left for a moment, then..." She started to trail off trying to piece together her broken memories. Somewhere in there she must have passed out, because she dreamed of Jian. She felt herself redden at the thought

'I dreamed he was kissing me passionately, it was nice, really hot though, aiie.'

"I must have passed out" She concluded.

"Yah, and you turned into a sack of bricks on me!" He cried out in mock anger and indignation!

"My most humblest apologies, please forgive this lowly one for her transgressions!" Chang cries out in mocking apology, she knew he wasn't really angry. She giggled a little then, the medication was already starting to soothe her rampaging stomach. "Thank you for taking care of me last night, I do appreciate it" she said sincerely with a smile.

" Hey hey what are best friends for. Drink that up clean yourself and come down and get some toast. You need clothes for work, I think you understand after last night it's noth the button and slacks kinds of place" Chang rolled her eyes at that. " I gotta go run an errand though in about an hour so I can't go with you. It's about ten so you got some time before we have to be at La Vie at 3. So hop in the shower, and get your buns moving." He gave a little hop for emphasis, causing her to giggle more.

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