Siren Song

158 Something Is Wrong

If it werent for her open eyes and the fact that she had just been talking he might have thought she was comatose.

When calling her name didn't work Justin grabbed onto her arm and gave her a small shake almost recoiling from her frigid skin. Steeling himself he gave her cheek a few light slaps trying to rouse her from whatever state she was in, but it was if her soul had left her body behind.

"Girl, with you there never will be an end to my worries. I don't know if you can hear me, but if you can, I'm going to get some help. I'll be right back, don't go anywhere!"

Staring out into nothing, a large tear welled up into a shimmering transparent pearl before rolling down her cheek from her open eye. As she stared, her lips began to move as if she was speaking, but Justin couldn't hear a word she said.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you." Leaning closer to her ears he was barely able to understand what she was saying. It was a name, repeated softly over and over again like a chant.

".. Jian... Jian."

"Ahh Chang, you've been through so much.. Just give me a minute, I'll bring him too." Taking off his jacket, Justin draped it over her bare shoulders and gave her frigid hands a squeeze before heading back inside.

Pushing through the crowd of elegantly dressed men and women Justin looked for any sign of either her grandfather or her ex?-husband. After exasperating numerous people he finally spotted them together still but staring each other down.

Despite the fact that Mr. Liang stood head and shoulders above Mr. Dumont, the old man made up for it in demeanor. When he had spotted them before they had been chatting politely, but now they looked like they might destroy each other.

'Oh lord I do not have time for whatever in the seven hells is going on between these two.'

Making his way to the front Justin came to stand in front of the two men and cleared his throat aggressively catching their attention. He looked at Mr. Liang and gave him a smile while lifting his eyebrows at him before turning to the elder with a more serious face.

"Thank you gentlemen! Mr. John Jacques I need your help, something is wrong with Shar!"

"Shar?" Came a simultaneous response from both men, one gravelly and heavily accented, the other melodiously deep and soothing.

"Charmaine." Justin gave a small cough eager to get them to where she waited.

"Wow, this is a huge surprise seeing you after such a long time. So, um, how have you been since I saw you last? " Walking beside Liang Jian Amal Justin made an awkward attempt at small talk that he immediately cringed at and regretted having said.

"Mm, it has been awhile Mr. Che. I am glad to see that you are here for Chang." The tall man beside him gave him a slight nod in acknowledgement while walking his eyes practically burning.

"Hey I didn't get a chance to say earlier but she was asking for you calling your name. What happened between you two again? Chang is so different now, almost melancholic. I thought you two were all luvee-duvee again and everything was on an up swing after you took off and left your drone to tell me.

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