Siren Song

162 An Empty Bed

'What do I say, how do I explain all this to her? I wonder if she remembers last year, do I even ask? What if she hates me now?' He quickly shuffled that thought aside the thought too painful to bear. 'I wonder if she will even listen to me after all this time.' He sighed deeply and ran his hands through his hair unable to come up with acceptable answers.

'I should have brought Hao Jin Ying with me, she might have been able to help me ease this situation a little more. Ah LiHua look out for your son-in-law, things have become so complicated between the two of us, despite your wishes. I am sorry I failed you and Chang at the end of your time, I will not stop trying with her.' Taking a deep breath, calming himself Liang Jian Amal pushed open the bedroom door.

Opening the door he was surprised to find it completely empty. Not only was Justin gone, but the bed sat emptied, rumpled from its owners obvious hasty escape.

"How many times is this woman seriously going to run from me!" He couldn't help exclaiming seeing the unoccupied room and he sat on the edge of the bed head in his hands.

"Great I found where she worked, but I don't know where she lives though in Paris. Fine I'll just get a hotel near where she works and try to intercede her either before or after." Letting out a deep sigh from the depths of his soul he raised up before feeling on the bed for his jacket to put on before he left.

"She took my jacket with her. Heh, she's too cute sometimes. Well time to go find her and figure out what I'm going to say to her." Just as he stood up Jean-Jacques Dumont entered with the doctor, shock written all over his face to find it empty, as well he had been.

"Where is she."

"From the looks of it I'd say she left, as to where, I have yet to find. I will take my leave for the evening, good night Mr. Dumont."

"Hold on a moment, I will check to see if she has really left the premises." Holding his hand up he quickly inquired with the security and found that she had left only a few minutes prior.

"It appears she did leave a few minutes ago, most likely headed back to her home. I shall give you a small piece of aid, since it has come to this but nothing more than, the rest is up to you." Taking a piece of paper from her desk he wrote a string of numbers and words on it and handed it to Liang Jian Amal.

Liang Jian Amal grabbed the paper only to meet resistance and Jean -Jacques Dumont's fierce stare.

"I will not."

"Good." Satisfied Jean-Jacques Dumont released the paper and let the younger man leave.


Mr Poitier quickly drove the two of them back to Lyons and dropped them at the nearest train station. Chang quickly thanked him before rushing in eager to get home.

After queing up in line, Chang purchased the two of them two tickets on the TGV1 back to Paris. Even with the next available ride they would still have to wait about ten minutes. Sitting on the bench beside Justin she grabbed the collar of the jacket and pulled it tighter around her.

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