Siren Song
169 I Promised I + II
"It's still too hot, it feels gross," grumbling she tried to take the jacket and her top off again before he stopped her.
"Be good now. We're going to get you help and you won't feel so bad anymore from your fever. Pacifying her he rubbed her head a little as she frowned and pulled at the jacket front.
"Jian I feel really horrible everything keeps moving in weird ways, it's too hot, and it's making my heart feel funny."
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know, I've never felt it before it's too fast and it feels all fluttery and stuff." Her brow furrowed she held onto the jacket front still trying to fan herself.
Knitting his brows he took her wrist and felt her pulse to see her heart was beating rather quickly and irregularly. Holding her wrist been two long fingers he placed his palm around where her heart was confirming it.
'What is wrong with her? Did she take something I did not see?'
"Chang, you're going to be just fine." He assuringly lied to her worried. "Just lean back and breath evenly and slowly."
"Mm put your hand on my chest again, it felt really good." Without waiting for a reply she grabbed his hand pushing it against her chest as she moaned a little.
"You can't get worked up now." Groaning inside he had to forcibly draw his hand back from one of its favorite spots.
"Jian touch me again please." Releasing her seat belt she sprang onto his lap rubbing herself against him causing him to grit his teeth in frustration.
"Not right now, you're not yourself right now"
"No no I feel much better now, it felt better when you were touching me, see." Grabbing his hand she snaked it up her dress trapping it between her two torturously soft thighs.
Liang Jian Amal gave a sharp intake of breath and tried to pull himself back away from her.
"Chang stop."
"No." While his attention was on his captured tortured hand she unbottoned the jacket, letting it fall off her shoulders and proceeded to pull her straps down. "Why is it so hot in here?"
He was momentarily stunned as she sat the and pulled the mass of hair pushing it off her sweaty neck.
'.. You are torturing me right now woman.' Flicking his eyes away he saw the cab driver was periodically watching them through the mirror.
Finally even though she kept wiggling and making it harder brushing herself against him he managed to get the thin straps back on her shoulders and her covered again, feeling a sweat break out on himself with his efforts.
"Euh... Jian, it feels really horrible everything keeps spinning and shifting bad. Putting a hand to her face she looked at him with a worried expression seemingly more coherent.
"I need help it feels like I'm slowly burning, it's too much." Pushing away from him she tried to stand in the vehicle before going limp like a puppet whose strings had been cut. She slumped against him, her head bobbing before she stopped moving completely.
"Chang?" 'What just happened grabbing onto her upper arms he pulled her limp form upright. Lightly tapping on her cheek she was completely unresponsive in sharp contrast to how she had been less than 30 seconds ago.'
"Drive faster please." The driver acquiesced and as soon as the vehicle came to a stop he threw a wad of cash at the man, not caring for change and carried her limp form through the automatic doors.
Seeing the distraught young man carrying in an unconscious woman a few nurses came out and asked him as many questions as they could while they took readings from her. One took the recordings, reading them out to the other nurse who recorded, while a third fitted Chang with a patient ID bracelet.
"BP, 100/60."
"Does she normally have low blood pressure, that you know of?" The recording nurse turned to Liang Jian Amal who stood beside Chang when she got the reading.
"Not that I know of she's usually very healthy."
"Heart rate at 124 BPM."
"She unconscious is she not? The nurse recording frowned at the information and questioned both Liang Jian Amal cbd the other nurse.
Standing she left her desk and grabbed a small light and opened one of Chang's eyes to see the pupil was dead set ahead enlarged.
"Has she taken any illicit substances that you know of?"
"As far as I know she just had alcohol but I don't know how much or what kind."
"We need to bring her into a room immediately. What is your relationship with the patient?"
"She's my wife, is she alright?"
"You may follow if you wish, we may be preforming a gastric lavage, she may have overdosed, though I suspect something may have been slipped into her drink. How long had it been since she was last drinking?"
"Maybe an hour ago. It was after that she started to be oddly, and became very sweaty as if fevered and complained of the heat even when outside."
"Alright just follow the two nurses as we place her." The nurse told him before talking into her pager. The two nurses arranged Chang in the Henry outing up the safety trails before leading them down into the brightly lit halls. As they left he heard her words to a doctor.
"We need a gastric lavage, female adult patient is conscious, but unresponsive, with low blood pressure, and a high heart rate, sweating abnormally. Potential overdose or drugging within last few hours."
"Room 33 is available, let's take her there." One of the nurses led them into an empty room, pulling the long drapes closed for privacy. Once closed the nurses, fitted Chang into a hospital gown and helped to wipe her down for comfort before prepping her for the doctor.
Like a well-oiled machine the two women worked quickly and efficiently. After attaching an IV to her left hand they rolled her onto her left side, propping her with cushions. Once in place one attached a mask over her mouth that held it open into place and sprayed her throat. The other woman took a long piece of tubing and measured it against Chang's torso before lubricating it and gently inserting it down her throat.
As the tube was inserted a mature woman in a long white coat entered and introduced herself as Doctor Boudine to Liang Jian Amal and sanitized herself before coming to stand in front of Chang with a prepared tray. She grabbed a large syringe from the table and attached it to the end of the tubing checking if it was in the right place before carefully pumping a saline solution down into the tube.
Once in she then began drawing out a darker liquid and replaced the pump repeating the process until it came out clearer. Towards the end Chang started to show more coherency and began to whimper.
One of the nurses holding her shoulder to keep her steady gave her hand a squeeze and soothing words.
"It's OK honey, we're almost done, it's just some charcoal now."
Within a few minutes the procedure was done and the nurses removed the tube and the strap freeing her face. Chang whimpered a little tears streaming as she looked at Jian, reaching out her hand. Her call stirred him from the mire he had been stuck in on the side watching and he moved to her taking it in both of his.
"Please don't leave me again."
"I will not. I promise." Holding her hand he pressed her knuckles to his lips ashe looked down at her tear stained pale face. Pulling up a chair he sat there holding her hand until she came to a fitful sleep.
Brushing her face he released her hand to go outside and smoke disturbed from the nights events and the past few months. After finishing he returned only to find Jean-Jacques Dumont and a few of his men had taken his place.
Seeing him the older man bristled and signaled to the men to grab hold of him immediately.
"I believe we had already come to an agreement just this past winter Mr. Liang and if you satisfied those conditions not only would I not stand in the way of your union I would bless it. Yet I find you here now and my grand-fille to have been overdosed. Just why have you done this?"
"You severely misunderstand this, I took her to the hospital after pulling her from an unsavory situation outside a night club. I would not do that to her, I have explained to you what she means to me which is why I have been working to develop the resources necessary to satisfy your conditions."
"Hmm, while I do somewhat believe you, I will search to the validity of that. For now leave us." With a wave of his hand the two men that had a hold of him forcibly removed him from the hospital grounds and barred him from seeing her.
Until last night he had been unable to see her.
"There's one thing I do kinda remember though, in the hospital, we're you there?"
"Yes, I took you there."
"Did you hold my hand and promise you wouldn't leave me again?" Her tone held a slightly sad note to hit as she looked down not looking him in the eye.
'Yes, I made a promise to you that I need to fulfill I have already failed. I won't leave you again unless you want me to.'
"Be good now. We're going to get you help and you won't feel so bad anymore from your fever. Pacifying her he rubbed her head a little as she frowned and pulled at the jacket front.
"Jian I feel really horrible everything keeps moving in weird ways, it's too hot, and it's making my heart feel funny."
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know, I've never felt it before it's too fast and it feels all fluttery and stuff." Her brow furrowed she held onto the jacket front still trying to fan herself.
Knitting his brows he took her wrist and felt her pulse to see her heart was beating rather quickly and irregularly. Holding her wrist been two long fingers he placed his palm around where her heart was confirming it.
'What is wrong with her? Did she take something I did not see?'
"Chang, you're going to be just fine." He assuringly lied to her worried. "Just lean back and breath evenly and slowly."
"Mm put your hand on my chest again, it felt really good." Without waiting for a reply she grabbed his hand pushing it against her chest as she moaned a little.
"You can't get worked up now." Groaning inside he had to forcibly draw his hand back from one of its favorite spots.
"Jian touch me again please." Releasing her seat belt she sprang onto his lap rubbing herself against him causing him to grit his teeth in frustration.
"Not right now, you're not yourself right now"
"No no I feel much better now, it felt better when you were touching me, see." Grabbing his hand she snaked it up her dress trapping it between her two torturously soft thighs.
Liang Jian Amal gave a sharp intake of breath and tried to pull himself back away from her.
"Chang stop."
"No." While his attention was on his captured tortured hand she unbottoned the jacket, letting it fall off her shoulders and proceeded to pull her straps down. "Why is it so hot in here?"
He was momentarily stunned as she sat the and pulled the mass of hair pushing it off her sweaty neck.
'.. You are torturing me right now woman.' Flicking his eyes away he saw the cab driver was periodically watching them through the mirror.
Finally even though she kept wiggling and making it harder brushing herself against him he managed to get the thin straps back on her shoulders and her covered again, feeling a sweat break out on himself with his efforts.
"Euh... Jian, it feels really horrible everything keeps spinning and shifting bad. Putting a hand to her face she looked at him with a worried expression seemingly more coherent.
"I need help it feels like I'm slowly burning, it's too much." Pushing away from him she tried to stand in the vehicle before going limp like a puppet whose strings had been cut. She slumped against him, her head bobbing before she stopped moving completely.
"Chang?" 'What just happened grabbing onto her upper arms he pulled her limp form upright. Lightly tapping on her cheek she was completely unresponsive in sharp contrast to how she had been less than 30 seconds ago.'
"Drive faster please." The driver acquiesced and as soon as the vehicle came to a stop he threw a wad of cash at the man, not caring for change and carried her limp form through the automatic doors.
Seeing the distraught young man carrying in an unconscious woman a few nurses came out and asked him as many questions as they could while they took readings from her. One took the recordings, reading them out to the other nurse who recorded, while a third fitted Chang with a patient ID bracelet.
"BP, 100/60."
"Does she normally have low blood pressure, that you know of?" The recording nurse turned to Liang Jian Amal who stood beside Chang when she got the reading.
"Not that I know of she's usually very healthy."
"Heart rate at 124 BPM."
"She unconscious is she not? The nurse recording frowned at the information and questioned both Liang Jian Amal cbd the other nurse.
Standing she left her desk and grabbed a small light and opened one of Chang's eyes to see the pupil was dead set ahead enlarged.
"Has she taken any illicit substances that you know of?"
"As far as I know she just had alcohol but I don't know how much or what kind."
"We need to bring her into a room immediately. What is your relationship with the patient?"
"She's my wife, is she alright?"
"You may follow if you wish, we may be preforming a gastric lavage, she may have overdosed, though I suspect something may have been slipped into her drink. How long had it been since she was last drinking?"
"Maybe an hour ago. It was after that she started to be oddly, and became very sweaty as if fevered and complained of the heat even when outside."
"Alright just follow the two nurses as we place her." The nurse told him before talking into her pager. The two nurses arranged Chang in the Henry outing up the safety trails before leading them down into the brightly lit halls. As they left he heard her words to a doctor.
"We need a gastric lavage, female adult patient is conscious, but unresponsive, with low blood pressure, and a high heart rate, sweating abnormally. Potential overdose or drugging within last few hours."
"Room 33 is available, let's take her there." One of the nurses led them into an empty room, pulling the long drapes closed for privacy. Once closed the nurses, fitted Chang into a hospital gown and helped to wipe her down for comfort before prepping her for the doctor.
Like a well-oiled machine the two women worked quickly and efficiently. After attaching an IV to her left hand they rolled her onto her left side, propping her with cushions. Once in place one attached a mask over her mouth that held it open into place and sprayed her throat. The other woman took a long piece of tubing and measured it against Chang's torso before lubricating it and gently inserting it down her throat.
As the tube was inserted a mature woman in a long white coat entered and introduced herself as Doctor Boudine to Liang Jian Amal and sanitized herself before coming to stand in front of Chang with a prepared tray. She grabbed a large syringe from the table and attached it to the end of the tubing checking if it was in the right place before carefully pumping a saline solution down into the tube.
Once in she then began drawing out a darker liquid and replaced the pump repeating the process until it came out clearer. Towards the end Chang started to show more coherency and began to whimper.
One of the nurses holding her shoulder to keep her steady gave her hand a squeeze and soothing words.
"It's OK honey, we're almost done, it's just some charcoal now."
Within a few minutes the procedure was done and the nurses removed the tube and the strap freeing her face. Chang whimpered a little tears streaming as she looked at Jian, reaching out her hand. Her call stirred him from the mire he had been stuck in on the side watching and he moved to her taking it in both of his.
"Please don't leave me again."
"I will not. I promise." Holding her hand he pressed her knuckles to his lips ashe looked down at her tear stained pale face. Pulling up a chair he sat there holding her hand until she came to a fitful sleep.
Brushing her face he released her hand to go outside and smoke disturbed from the nights events and the past few months. After finishing he returned only to find Jean-Jacques Dumont and a few of his men had taken his place.
Seeing him the older man bristled and signaled to the men to grab hold of him immediately.
"I believe we had already come to an agreement just this past winter Mr. Liang and if you satisfied those conditions not only would I not stand in the way of your union I would bless it. Yet I find you here now and my grand-fille to have been overdosed. Just why have you done this?"
"You severely misunderstand this, I took her to the hospital after pulling her from an unsavory situation outside a night club. I would not do that to her, I have explained to you what she means to me which is why I have been working to develop the resources necessary to satisfy your conditions."
"Hmm, while I do somewhat believe you, I will search to the validity of that. For now leave us." With a wave of his hand the two men that had a hold of him forcibly removed him from the hospital grounds and barred him from seeing her.
Until last night he had been unable to see her.
"There's one thing I do kinda remember though, in the hospital, we're you there?"
"Yes, I took you there."
"Did you hold my hand and promise you wouldn't leave me again?" Her tone held a slightly sad note to hit as she looked down not looking him in the eye.
'Yes, I made a promise to you that I need to fulfill I have already failed. I won't leave you again unless you want me to.'
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