Siren Song

17 Whatever You Say Handsome

Liang Jian Amal cleared his throat to draw Justin's focus back to reality. Justin came to with a glaze in his eye.

"Mmm what'd you say, sorry."

'What an odd fellow.'

"I'm here today Mr. Che to rent the room that you have available for rent on Craigslist. May I come inside?"

"Please come in, come in!" Justin opened the door wider to let Jian in, his assistant bumbling in behind him. Justin took a cursory glance at the assistant.

'Hmm this guy seems familiar somehow..'

As soon as they both passed by Justin he quickly shook off his favorite bunny slippers, put his glasses on the key shelf, and smoothed back his close- cropped hair.

'Oh yeah, I'm ready!'

Liang Jian Amal and his assistant passed by the galley kitchen on the right and came to the dining/living room with the little table sitted close to serving station opening to the kitchen. He smiled seeing the small vase of sunflowers, 'without a doubt that was Chang's touch.' He thought. He stood waiting for Justin to fall in behind, this would only be a quick matter for now.

After a few seconds Justin came in and led him to the empty room, which was closest. Justin pointed at the two closed doors stating one was his, and one would be another roommate's, a nice young lady by the name of Chang. Inside Jiang was slightly confused, but felt relief, 'so it doesn't seem that they're together from the way he just described her. When he charged at me last night for "his girl" I thought I was losing my mind.'

"Mm I will have to stop you there Mr. Che." Justin was opening the door to the empty bedroom to show him inside when he was stopped.

"Eh?" He asked in confusion, ' I thought mr Adonis here was here for this room..'

Jiang pointed to Justin's room next to Chang's, "I will take this room."

"Uh, sorry that room is taken by moi, unless are you saying you'd like to stay in my room with me?" Justin blinked his eyes at Liang Jian Amal "adorably".

Jian was disgusted by his cutesy actions and decided to cut this exchange even shorter. He snapped his fingers at his assistant who pulled out a check and handed it to Justin.

"What's going on here, you obviously can afford way better than our crummy apartment, so why? You're not up to something illegal or something are you?!"

Liang Jian Amal's assistant was outraged to hear someone talking to his boss in such a manner. He shook his finger at Justin.

"Mr Che, how dare you accuse Mr. Liang of being a crook-"

" What'd you say his name was?"Justin interrupted suddenly again. He paused for a second before recognition shine in his eyes. "Hey wait a minute you're the weird guy from last night that tried to stop me from leaving, so you must of been the man all over my friend like white on rice!" . Something started to turn in his mind though and delight sparkled in his eyes. He looked down at the check that had stamped on in Liang International, then back at Liang Jian Amal.

"What is your name."

"Liang Jian Amal." Jian succinctly replied.

Justin started bouncing up and down clapping. "Ahaha it's like Christmas in July!"

Jian was puzzled by his actions, "does this mean that we have a deal Mr. Che?" He didn't know that Justin knew of his and Chang's history, so he didn't understand Justin's reaction. Though since Justin had stopped interjecting, it seemed as if was agreeing.

"please, Mr. Che is my father, call me Justin." He pushed out his hand to shake Jian's.

"For now then, I will return to my company until tonight. Tomorrow I will purchase furniture for remodeling my room. For now please keep the information of my staying here to yourself."

"Whatever you say handsome!"

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