Siren Song

191 Shameless Man

"Oh sorry about that!" Scratching his head Jian actually looked a little sheepish under her menacing glower.

"No no no! Sorry doesn't cut it! Give 'em to me! I will not have you going and dying of lung, or throat cancer, or any of the other number of conditions that come from inhaling carcinogens!" Tapping her foot and holding a hand out Chang waited for him to give her his hidden contraband.

His eyes opened slightly wider before a smile started to grow on his face before her eyes. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a small silver case.

"You know how I feel about this. I thought you quit a while ago!" Taking it from him immediately she wrinkled her nose in disgust and held it at arms length away from herself.

"Mm, I did."

"Than what is this Jian?"

"I slipped."

"Well.. then don't do it again I guess." Looking at his handsome beaming face and his easy admittance Chang felt her anger and indignation quickly draining away.

"I won't, especially with such a strict enforcer."

"Uh I well, hey what were you doing when I interrupted you." With the way he was looking at her Chang became a little dazzled and darted her eyes away while changing the subject.

"Just washing and refreshing my clothes." Liang Jian Amal chose to omit that he was only cleaning it to get the smell of ash off his shirt that lingered.

"Wait what? Oh I'm so sorry I haven't been thinking at all,I have a small washer and dryer in my unit. I'm sorry I didn't think to offer this earlier for you, have you been doing this the last several days?" Realizing how negligent she had been Chang apologized profusely feeling her face turning red.

"At night, yes."

"Ugh I'm such a terrible hostess." Smacking her face Chang cringed.

"You do not need to punish yourself over it, it has been a.. unique experience."

"Please don't justify me being terrible, just give me your clothes."

"All of my clothes?" Smiling wickedly Jian lifted an eyebrow at her further reddening face.

"Yes god don't draw this out now or I won't do this." Looking him square in the eye Chang tried to maintain her composure.

"Yes ma'am." Dutifully and slowly unbuckling his pants Liang JianAmal took them off and handed them to her outstretched hands as she was faced away.

"You know you can look if you want to, I don't mind." As he stripped off his last piece of clothing he couldn't help but tease her when she acted so shy. "Well now what should I wear..Hmm. Nothing?"

"Uh well.." Seeing him stretch up leisurely she felt heat cover her body as the image was seared into her brain causing her to forget what she was going to say.

"You know it's actually quite comfortable like this you should join me."

"You sure?" Stepping closer, Chang felt her mouth going dry and her heart beating in her ears lost in his eyes until sh felt him firmly grab. the bottom of her blouse."

"Hey don't go too far now!" Panicked she dropped his clothes in a heap and grabbed his wrists firmly.

"Go further!" From outside the door an unwanted voice came in reminding her they were not completely alone in private.

"Ugh I'm surrounded by degenerates."

Grabbing his wrists firmly trying to avoid looking at the v that called her eyes repeatedly back to it, Chang stuttered and tried to complete her thought.

"Err you know, actually uhh I think I actually have a pair of extra long sweat pants that I roll the cuffs up on they might fit you."

"Oh but I am actually contented as I am now, I don't think I will need them. Hmm how come your face is so red, are you embarrassed right now?"

'Noo, what would ever give you that impression jerk?' Releasing his wrists she tried to back away but he grabbed hers, restraining her.

"What no no no!"

"Really? My, you have become bolder." His deep golden eyes burned into hersas he tried to pull her closer as she struggled back awkwardly due to her inebriation and his state. Feeling her hand come into contact with bare flesh Chang cried out while screwing her eyes shut and struggled harder to pull away.

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