Siren Song

233 Promises I + II

"Let me take a good guess, that was Liang Ju-Long on the other end of the line wasn't it?" Smiling wryly at Jin Ying, Chang grieved momentarily over the matter.

"That is correct." Taking a deep breath Jin Ying gave Chang an apologetic look.

"Then let me guess again, he wants me gone immediately doesn't he?"

"Yes, Mr. Liang wants what he has always wanted when it comes to you, gone..."

"Well then I am almost sorry to say that I will continuously have to be a thorn in his side. I already promised Jian I would be here when he returned. Why does this involve you though, what did Ju-Long say to you?"

"Chang, he threatened my family. He told me to see you out of the building myself or he would have his word carried out."

"What scum, do you believe the threat is credible to them, that he could get his hands on them?" Cursing him worse in her head Chang, looked at her worried, she remembered how it had felt when he had threatened her mom.

"You know more than I, that it is not something that can be put past him at this point."

"You're right, I'm sorry Jin Ying that it has come to this. I can't leave but I won't let him hurt your family either." Narrowing her eyes Chang stared steadily at Jin Ying.

"Mr. Liang told me to be sure that you were downstairs in the next hour. That you would be sent away on the next available flight to Paris. Only then would he release my family."

"Did he say if he would be coming himself?" Racking her brains for a solution Chang nervously chewed her lower lip.

"He actually said that he would not, he did not want to see you face any longer. I am sure that he will want some confirmation of some kind, so he will most likely send Chen Bohai."

"Hmm, Chen Bohai has seen me in person before but it has been a while, he may have briefly seen me earlier, but I doubt he knows exactly what I look like.."

"What are you planning?" Curious as to where the younger woman's mind was going, Hao Jin Ying raised an eyebrow at her.

"Just follow me, I believe a solution may have walked by here not too long ago. I'll need your help and another's to make this work but I feel like I made a good plan, this will probably work." Seeing her worried look with all the uncertainties in her words, Chang grasped Jin Ying's hands and gave them a gentle squeeze.


"Where is she?" After having sat through two patience-trying hours, Liang Jian Amal's gaze fell on the woman who sat alone on the sofa in his office. Irritated, Liang Jian Amal looked around, checking his resting area, but did not see another in his office besides Hao Jin Ying.

"You should send me away, I may no longer be your assistant, but I am still a weakness for you."

"Hao Jin Ying, where is Chang? Explain to me what has happened in my absence. Why is she not here?" Putting his hands in his pocket, he stared at her while waiting for his answer.

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"Sir, your father threatened my family's safety again.." Looking to the side Hao Jin Ying answered, not wanting to see his reaction.

"What has that--ah I see, I understand. She is gone now."

"Yes, your father had Chen Bohai come and bring her to the airport personally."

"You granted my father's subordinate access to my office?" His jaw hardening at the thought of the intrusion, Liang Jian Amal's tone became tender as well.

"No, he waited outside the building. I walked her out myself, to ensure her safety. Your father merely wanted her sent home."

"Ah. That is fine, I did not truly believe that she would stay anyways." Calmly returning to his desk Liang JianAmal lit up a cigarette.

"Sir, she was planning on staying. When I came in she was laying here, crying her eyes out thinking that you hated her. Even thinking that you hated her, she said she would wait because she promised you. The only reason she left was so that my family would be safe, you did not see how much that hurt her."

"I do not hate her." Watching the smoke lazily coil from his fingers Liang Jian Amal spoke in a hoarse, low tone.

"I know that, you know that, and I told her, but I do not fully believe that she does. She left in such misery. I am sorry that I was the driving wedge between you two this time." Crying lightly, Hao Jin Ying pulled a cloth from her purse for her eyes.

"Do not apologize, it is not your burden to bear. I will see to it that your family is better protected from now on, so that Liang Ju-Long cannot use them against you. I would prefer to be alone at the moment while I work on these papers, if I have need for either of you I will call." Spinning away in his chair Liang Jian Amal looked at the clouded expanse overlooking the bustle of the city.

Seeing the look on Liang JianAmal's face both Luo Jun and Hao Jin Ying exited together, closing the door behind them to leave him with some privacy.

'I should not left her as a test, I have only set myself up for continuous disappointment, as well as her.' Shadowing his eyes with his free hand, Liang Jian Amal tried to curb his rising regret and resentment.


Liang Jian Amal holed himself away in his office for the rest of the afternoon until the sound of polite knocking sounded on his door.

"Enter." Without looking up from the papers he was signing Liang Jian Amal called out to whoever was there.

"Sir, it is seven'o clock, most everyone has left by now. Are you planning on retiring soon for the evening?"

Hearing the hopeful tone in Luo Jun's voice, Liang JianAmal briefly looked up at him.

"I suppose. it is not like the paperwork will be going anywhere." Setting aside his pen, Liang Jian Amal closed the folder and leaned back into his chair.

Closing his eyes for a moment he tried to banish the headache that had plagued him all day.

"Sir, you look.. Would you like me to drive you home?" Quickly Luo Jun changed what he was saying to something else.

"Were you going to say terrible?" Cracking an eye open Liang JianAmal gave Luo Jun a blank stare.

"No, No sir I was-" Flustered the man tried to come up with an excuse before Liang Jian Amal cut him off with a dismissive wave of his hand.

"It is fine, I am sure it is the truth anyways. Thank you, yes. It has been a long trying day."

"I know."

With the traffic it took well over an hour to return to his home. Even with all time it took it seemed to have come almost instantaneously for Liang Jian Amal. Sighing as he exited the vehicle the sound of thudding and booming came from the trunk.

"Open the trunk." Giving the trunk a sharp look Liang JianAmal ordered Luo Jun.

Laying in his trunk was an extremely sweaty and red-faced Chang. Panting she looked at the two of them in satisfaction first then turned red in embarrassment. The clothes she was wearing looked to have already been too small and due to her positioning they had ridden up, exposing a great expanse of her skin.

While she straightened herself Luo Jun tactfully looked away, but Liang JianAmal was unable to stop staring at the woman before his eyes.

After having straightened herself, Chang climbed out and sat on the edge, wiping her face with the back of her hand.

"Phew I thought I was almost going to die, it was so hot in there! That was not as good an idea as I thought in retrospect."

"How did you get in there?" Finding his voice he offered her a hand to help her out.

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