Siren Song

239 Hello Lovely Readers!


If you are here wondering where volume 2 went, never fear, a revamping and renovation is here! Volume 2 will be found under Interludes and Lures now, a completely separate book. I had changed my original draft for volume 2 to have a different path towards the end, especailly in the beginning and later parts. while I do agree that it was in many ways a grand improvement it also lost something as well, something undefinable.

Over the weeks( holy bejeezus months actually) of being forced to take a break from my writing due to life issue, I had time to figure out how to reconcile the two complletely different paths my book had in my head to truly bring back what had been lost without sacrificing the happier path it had taken with the advice of another. It will also feature some of Jian's backstory, leading as to why he became the man we see him as today.

Unfortunately I am still super swamped as I am still employed during the corona virus due to a governmental contract with my place of business, as well as dealing with personal family matters. I do finally find myself for the first time in a long time a moment to sit in peace and bring you what has been plaguing my mind with joy.

During so much of the trials and struggles of 2019, you my readers, inspired me and brought me to tears many times with your kind words and support. And many times I would squeal and jump for joy to see how many enjoyed my story. So thank you, this second book is dedicated to you who have been with me through all the struggles to see the rise and conclusion.

Thank you, stay safe, be healthy and may you live and love freely!

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